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De sancto Alphego

Seinte Alphege þe martir þat godman was inou
Ibore he was in Engelonde and to holy lif drou
He come of heiȝe cunne inou & eir he was also
Ac he vorsok is eritage sone so he com þerto
He tok him clanlich al to God to Deorhurst he gan go
A toun in Gloucestre ssire þat gret hous was þo
Of monekes & of godemen þat in holy lif were
Þis holyman seint Alphege monk bicom þere
Þer afterward seint Edward þat god was & wis
Ȝaf al þat þing of Deorherste into þe abbei of sein Denis
In þis hous of Deorherste seint Alfe monk bicom
He leornede þer is ordre and to gode liue him nom
Þo he hadde ibe[o] longe þer hit com him in wille
To wende in to somme stude þer he miȝte beo stille
He wende to þe toun of Baþe stilleliche al one
Þer he bileuede priueliche ac felawes nadde he none


As an ermite he was him sulf þat al þe worlde forsok
Suþþe as oure Louerd it wolde to him felawes he tok
An hous of blake monekes he bigan as is ȝute þere
Hym sulf he was abbot ferst of monkes þat þer were
A fondour he was of þulke hous þat hous ferst to rere
Holyman he was & wis his couent verst to lere
Erche bissop of Kanterburi sein Donston þo was
& seint Aþelwold bissop of Wynchestre as oure Louerd ȝaf þe cas
Þis bissop seint Aþelwold as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Sone of þis wrecche world to þe ioie of heuene wende
Among heiemen was speche inou wo ssolde bissop be[o]
Ac oure Louerd him biþoȝte wel þer of to bise[o]
For seint Andreu com a niȝt an eorþe to sein Donston
And oure Louerd him sende adoun aris up he sede anon
And nyme Alfe þe godeman þat abbot is of Baþe
And schere him & make him bissop of Wynchestre raþe
Þis holyman sein Donston sone gan vorþ wende
And hasteliche vaste inou to bringe þis dede to ende
So þat þis holyman bissop was ymad
Of Winchestre in þis manere as seint Andreu him bad
Seint Alphege was bissop þer twenti ȝer & two
Ar oure Louerd hit biseye þat he were herre ido
For sein Donston was longe ded & after him oþer þre[o]
Erche bissop of Kanterburi ar oure Louerd it wolde bise[o]
Ac þo nolde oure Louerd no leng þat hit bileued were
Seint Alphe was þo ymad erche bissop þere
For ichose he was of al þat lond & of þe pope also
And suþþe of þe pope of Rome isacred he was þerto
Erche bissop he was ymaked a þousond ȝer riȝt
And sixe after þat oure Louerd inis moder was aliȝt


And erchebissop of Kanterburi six ȝer he was & more
No tonge ne may telle al is wisdom ne his lore
So þat in þe seueþe ȝer þat he þuder com
Þe luþer prince of Denmarch gret poer wiþ him nom
And wende hom her into Engelond as hi dude er ilome
For Deneis and men of Engelond selde beoþ ysome
Þo þis luþer prince & is men to Englonde come
Hy barnde & robbede al to gronde & heiemen nome
Þe king Aþeldred was þo king of Engelonde
So simple he was & so milde þat he nolde aȝen him stonde
He was seint Edwardes broþer þat is moder wiþ outrage
Let martri for is loue to wynne him þe heritage
And he was ek seint Edwardes fader þat king was suþþe also
Þat at Westmustre was ibured & in ssrine ido
Þe king Aþeldred was so milde and so hard lif nom
Vor is broþer was aslawe for is kynedom
Þat he ne tok bote lite ȝeme of þe worles prute
Þei me sede him of eny werre he tolde þerof lute
Of bataile he nolde noþing do bote huld him euere stille
Þeruore hadde þe Denys into Engelond hore wille
Kyrkel was þe prince ihote þat was þo of Deneis
Hider he com wel sturneliche and broȝte lite peis
Ouer al ware he wende aboute he broȝte al to ssame
His broþer was maister of is ost Edrik was is name
He let is broþer Edrik to Kanterburi vare
And sle and robby þat hy fonde & þe stretes make bare
Ac þe men of Kanterburi somdel were iware
So þat up is owe heued hy broȝte þe meste care
Hi cudde þat hi were of herte & slowe him anon
And to gronde slowe ek al is men þat hi miȝte ofgon
So þat to Kirkel þe prince þe tiþinge sone com
Þat is broþer was aslawe gret deol to him [he] nom


Þo Kanterburi he wende anon & bisette þene toun faste
Þe toun [men] þei hi hardi were somdel were agaste
So þat Kirkil þe luþer prince wan hom attelaste
Hore gynnes and hore stre[n]gþe also sone bineþe he caste
To noȝt he brende al þen toun & to gronde þat folk slou
Þe erche bissop seint Alphe sori was inou
He wende him forþ wel baldeliche in oure Louerdes name
And bad for þe selymen þat me broȝte to ssame
And propherede is owe lyf forto ȝiue for hore
Þo þis luþer [men] him hadde inome ioiuol hi were þeruore
Hy nome verst þis holyman & suþþe slou to gronde
His monkes & is oþer men alle þat hy fonde
Þe ministre also of Kanterburi hi robbede attelaste
And suþþe hi nome þis holyman & bond him vaste
And ladde him to Grenewich & þere hi hulde him longe
Half a ȝer and somdel more in prison swuþe stronge
Þreo mile it is bi este Londone þe toun of Grenewich
So longe he lay in prison þer þat he nas noman illich
As þis holyman in prison lay as he lange hadde ido
Þe Fri niȝt in þe Ester wike þe deuel com him two
Alphe he sede wel þe be[o] to þe ich am iwend
An angel ich am of heuene fram oure Louerd isend
He nis noȝt ipaid he sende þe word þat þou in prison be[o]
Ac forto saui Engelond he wole þat þou fle[o]
For holiore þanne seinte Peter þou ne derst þe make noȝt
Þat wende out of prison as þe angel him hadde ibroȝt
And sein Poul bi an cupe wende adoun also
Bi a walle þo þe Giwes to deþe him wolde do
& oure Louerd wende ek out of þe temple in hudels alone
To fleo þe deþ þo þe Giwes hene him wolde wiþ stone


Holiore þanne oure Louerd sulf inot ware þou wost be[o]
Þeruore as he þe send word hanne þou most fle[o]
Þis holyman iluued him & þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
And wiþ him out of prisone al biniȝte wende
So þat þe deuel him ladde uorþ ouer mani a foul slade
Ouer water and ouer oþer þat al he was biwade
Ouer dich and ouer heg and ouer many a voul slo
He harlede þis holyman þat wel feble was þerto
Ac it nas noȝt þe verste schame þat he haþ men ido
Nou sorwe & sor him be[o] next fram toppe to þe ho
And as wide him worþe wo as þe sonne ssineþ aday
And ich bidde ȝou for my loue ne seggeþ neuer on nay
He harlede uorþ þis selyman & mid sorwe aboute drou
Attelaste he let him stonde in a grislich water inou
He wende forþ adeuelwei me nuste war he bicom
Nou ssame habbe such a ledere þat eny godman forþ nom
Þo þe godman it vnderȝet þat it þe deuel was
He made sor & deol inou þat hit non ende nas
He wende deope into þe water Louerd he sede alas
Þat me ssolde in min olde lyue valle so ssenfol cas
Louerd wi hastou me forsake more nou þanne biuore
Þat ich ssel here al one be[o] in min olde lyf forlore
Þis stronge [water] me is biuore and þe gaihol bihinde
And derkhede me is al aboute þat i ne can no wei finde
And he þat is maister of derkhede me haþ here ibroȝt
Haue merci of me mi swete Louerd for i necan me helpe noȝt
Þe deol þat seint Alphe made no tonge telle ne may
[Ac] oure Louerd þoȝte on him ȝute ar it were day
For an angel to him com in oure Louerdes name
Þou fol he sede wy wenstou [] mid him þat doþ þe ssame
Þat haþ iheued to þe envie suþþe þou were ibore
And nouþe he þe haþ a ssame ido as he þoȝte longe biuore


Ok he naþ þe noȝt one of prison ibroȝt
Ac haþ þe eke bitraid wiþoute þat þou ne canst þe helpe noȝt
To prison go anon aȝen & neuere eft out ne fle[o]
For þou sselt for þe loue of God to morwe imartred be[o]
Þis godeman riȝt as it was day toward prison drou
His wardeins him hadde er imist & sori were inou
And hadde isoȝt him ver & ner & suþþe þo he hom com
Hom nas noþing to biseche to bringe him hard dom
For ȝute al to is oþer wo hi leide him to gronde
And on is feble body made mony harde wonde
To prison him bere aȝen þo he nemiȝte him sulf noȝt go
And ȝute þere hi dude him more ssame for al is oþer wo
For a gret smoke hy made him þere of stinkinge þinge
And fondede mid al hore miȝte in angwise him bringe
Al þulke day & þulke niȝt in such angwise he lay
Forte day amorwe as in þe Saterday
As it fel in þe Ester wike þer com sein Donston
Fram heuene to þis holyman & grette him uair anon
Alphe he sede oure swete Louerd þe sende gretinge by me
And seiþ þat a noble croune he haþ ȝare to þe
Beo studeuast for þis o day ssel be[o] þi day of pine
And suþþe anoþer wiþ ioie inou ssel laste wiþoute fine
As þis tweie holyemen togadere þus speke
Þe bendes ware wiþ he was ibonde to noȝt anon tobreke
An[d] is wonden hole were him ne bileuede noȝt on
His wardeins þo hi seie þis dradde hom sore echon
Hit was sone wide couþ þat folk faste inou
Forto se[o] þis miracle touward þe prison drou
Þo þe maistres iseie þat folk so faste þuder eorne
Hi doutede hom þat gret poer aȝen hom wolde turne
And nameliche of hore owe felawes þat iseie þis aboute
And þat þe Englisse were so aboue þat was hore meste doute


Hy nome him out of prisone and ladde him toward is deþe
Ac so feble were is fet forbonde þat he miȝte stonde vnneþe
Þere fore hi caste him up a best & þoru out þe toun him ladde
Þe pouere men iseie þis loude hi wope & gradde
For deol of so god holyman þat so villiche ssolde deiȝe
Þer was into al þe toun aboute mony a weping eiȝe
Hi ladde him forþ wiþoute þe toun & dude him ssame inou
And hende him wiþ harde stones as me seinte Steuene slou
And þo he wa[s] al atte deþe and almest ymartred so
On þat was is god sone more ssame him wolde do
He smot him wiþ an ax in þe heued to gronde
Þat he bileuede anon þe lif & deide in a stonde
And in þis manere ymartred was in oure Louerdes name
For þe loue of Engelond þat me broȝte so to ssame
Þo nolde noȝt þe luþer men þat bodi bileue byhinde
Ac caste it deop in a water for me nessolde it noȝt fynde
Ac godemen come & soȝte him suþþe aboue & eke at gronde
So þat as oure Louerd it wolde attelaste hi him fonde
Þo chidde hi wiþ þe luþer men & gret contek aros
Ac anon so þe ssrewen þis iseie somdel hom agros
And sede þat he was luþer man no worse ne miȝte be[o]
And þat me ssolde of hore strif þat soþe amorwe ise[o]
Iseo ȝe quaþ on þis olde sticke þat ne ssel neuere iþe[o]
For it is formowed & forolded of a ssrewe tre[o]
Sette we it her in þisse eorþe and ȝif it is to morwe grene
We wolleþ luue is holinesse for it worþ þanne isene
And we wolleþ þanne granti ȝou to burie it fair & stille


And ȝif it nis noȝt granteþ us to do þerwiþ oure wille
Herto hy ensenteþ alle and sette þis olde bou
Hy fonde it amorwe ileued vair & grene inou
Anon so þis luþer men þis fair miracle yseie
Hy volle adoun and cride [o]n God wiþ wel wepinge eiȝe
Hi custe þis holy bodi and repentede hore misdede
And grantede wiþ gret honur þat bodi to eorþe lede
Þe miracles come anon for him so aperte & fair inou
Þat al þe contreie wide aboute to þis holy bodi drou
Gret desir þer was inou wo miȝte habbe þe grace
Forto habbe þe holy cors to lede out of þe place
Atte laste þe Londreis of mest poer were
And speke so wiþ þe Deneis þat þe body forþ hi bere
To sein Poul is ministre and faire it burede þere
Wiþ noble procession hi ne sparede for no fere
Þere it lay mony o day forte suþþe atte fine
Þat it was ilad to Kanterburi & ileid in noble ssrine
Alle þe luþer Deneis þat ne luuede on him noȝt
After the bou gan to springe ne turnde hore þoȝt
Al hi deide in stronge deþe for somme bicome wode
And somme deide verlich as hi upriȝt stode
And somme bicome cancre frete & somme hom sulue slowe
And somme adreinte in þe se & elles ware ynowe
So þat it was so ysene þat hi hym slowe wiþ wowe
For þer nas non so queynte of hom þat þe beuerege bilowe
Nou bidde we oure louerd seint Alphe þat þus broȝte is lyf to ende
Þat we mote þoru is bone to þe ioie of heuene wende