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Ayres and dialogues

For One, Two, and Three Voyces; To be Sung either to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol

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Bacchus true Adorers.

It's the news of the Town

It's the news of the Town, that Healths are put down; Zealots say 'tis for our ease; then tipple like a Sinner, at a Thanksgiving dinner, who is drunk with what you please: Kind Remembrances now each good Fellow must alow, the Act forbids not drinking, fill the Glass to the brim, and let our Fancies swim, none is excluded thinking: To Bacchus Rites we'l pay, and on his Altar lay, both Fat Zeal, and Goats, and Swine; then his Phrygian Horne, which Teaching Brothers scorn, in our thought shall be sublime.



Let Anachrions Boul be full, and fill Ben. Johnson's Scul; Who approv'd of Apollo's Wine, we have liberty to drink, to nod, wink, or think, to his, to thine, or to mine, we have liberty, to drink to nod, wink or think, to his, to thine, or to mine.