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Divine emblems

Embellished with etchings on copper, after the fashion of Master Francis Quarles. Designed and written by, Johann Abricht [i.e. Jonathan Birch

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[How could I trust yon antic swain]


How could I trust yon antic swain
With cap and bells and toy?
Some planet, sure, did turn my brain
To catch at such decoy:
With him to keep fools' holiday
I gambol'd far away—
I followed where he led—he led astray—


Thoughtless we pass'd Mount Sinai:
Loud thunderings smote my ear:
Fork'd lightnings glared my wanton eye,
But life was in the glare!
I took alarm—on feet of thought
Jordan's pure stream I sought;
I found a sterile country—parch'd with drought!



I turn'd my steps to Bethsaida,
But found no waters fair—
No “pool!” no Ishmaelitish trader
Halted his camels there.
I fled—my antic snare pursued
And would again have woo'd—
I stopt my ears—and all his lures withstood.


I sought Bethesda's fount of fame,
But found its waters “still.”
I watch'd—no friendly angel came
To agitate the rill—
Distracted o'er the earth I roam—
I've dared the Ocean's foam!
Do tell me—if thou canst—my pathway home!



Oh I am weary, sick, and sad,
My half-clad limbs are cold;
No good I've known—no peace have had,
Since I forsook the fold:
But thorny paths, and flinty roads,
And chilly damp abodes:
And worse than all—dismal and dire forebodes!
—The Prodigal! repentant grown,
Was welcomed with cost—
Thy gentle Shepherd knows his own,
Altho' the mark be lost!
He left the “perfect ninety-nine!”
I'th' fold, and did incline
To seek the “truant one,” with love divine!


—Say! is there hope, when I return,
To 'scape the righteous dart?

—Yes! if his love did ever burn
Within thy wayward heart.
This pathway leads to yonder gate,
There loudly knock—though late—
Thy Shepherd stands prepar'd to fold the runagate!


Broad and spacious is the road to infernal life: there are enticements and death-bringing pleasures— there the Devil flattereth that he may deceive: smileth that he may endamage: allureth that he may destroy.


The Lord went before the children of Israel by day in a pillar of cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire, but they rebelled—the thunderings of Mount Sinai affrighted them: yet they bow'd to Idols—he gave them bitter water to drink—he also gave them manna to eat—but for all his anger and kindnesses they repented not—so that of the host that fled from Egypt, none entered the promised land save Joshua and Caleb.


Return ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.

JEREMIAH, chap. 3, v. 22.

I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins; return unto me, for I have redeemed thee.

ISAIAH, chap. 44, v. 22.

Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

MATT., chap. 11, v. 28.