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Songs of Sion

Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe]

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The sixt speach.

Christ speakes.


Thou art closd vp my spouse, my Deere
That none might doe thee ill,
That force of foes, nor rage of fēds
On thee might doe their vvill.


That noe vvild Boore of vvood so fell
Thy rootes, thy plants might marre
For I looke on thee vvith mine eies,
And vevve their ire a farre.


Thy plants are like svveet fruits of choice
My deere ones all they are
Of thee, & them, as of mine eies
I vvatch, & haue a care.


Svveet sent as Myrrhe, & cane ye yeald
As all cheefe spice of choice
So are thy plants o Deere to me
For they doe heare my voice.


Christ speakes.


For tast, for touch, for smell, for hevve
Thy fruits are all most pure
I ioy to see them in this plight,
And in my loue so sure.


From thee o spouse doth flovve full farre
Thy streames to dales, & hills,
And I the spring doe flovve to thee
To fill thy spouts, thy rills.


Who so of thee doth drink is drencht,
And thirsts noe more for aie
Thou art the streames of god to flowe
To soules that faint in vvaye.