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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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Ioue helping Hector, and his host; thus close to th' Achiue fleet,
He let thē then their own strēgths try; & season there their sweet
With ceaslesse toils, and grieuances. For now he turnd his face,
Lookt down, & viewd the far-off land, of welrode mē in Thrace.
Of the renown'd milk-nourisht men, the Hippemolgians,
Long-liu'd; most iust, and innocent. And close-fought Mysians:
Nor turnd he any more to Troy, his euer-shining eyes:
Because he thought, not any one, of all the Deities;
(When his care left th' indifferent field) would aide on either side.
But this securitie in Ioue, the great Sea-Rector spide,
Who sate aloft, on th' vtmost top, of shadie Samothrace,
And viewd the fight. His chosen seate, stood in so braue a place,

Neptunes prospect.

That Priams cittie, th' Achiue ships, all Ida did appeare,
To his full view; who from the sea, was therefore seated there.
He tooke much ruth, to see the Greeks, by Troy, sustaine such ill,
And (mightily incenst with Ioue) stoopt strait from that steepe hill;
That shooke as he flew off: so hard, his parting prest the height.
The woods, and all the great hils neare, trembled beneath the weight
Of his immortall mouing feet: three steps he onely tooke,
Before he far-off Ægas reacht; but with the fourth, it shooke
With his drad entrie. In the depth, of those seas, he did hold
His bright and glorious pallace built, of neuer-rusting gold;
And there arriu'd, he put in Coach, his brazen-footed steeds,


The horse of Neptune.

All golden man'd, and pac't with wings; and all in golden weeds

He cloth'd himselfe. The golden scourge, (most elegantly done)
He tooke, and mounted to his seate: and then the God begun
To driue his chariot through the waues. From whirlepits euery way
The whales exulted vnder him, and knew their king: the Sea
For ioy did open; and his horse, so swift, and lightly flew:
The vnder-axeltree of Brasse, no drop of water drew.
And thus, these deathlesse Coursers brought, their king to th' Achiue ships.
Twixt th' Imber Cliffs, and Tenedos, a certaine Cauerne creepes


Into the deepe seas gulphie breast, and there th' earth-shaker staid

His forward steeds: tooke them from coach, and heauenly fodder laid
In reach before them. Their brasse houes, he girt with giues of gold
Not to be broken, nor dissolu'd; to make them firmely hold
A fit attendance on their king. Who went to th' Achiue host,

Neptune goes to the Greekes.

Which (like to tempests, or wild flames) the clustring Troians tost;

Insatiably valourous, in Hectors like command;
High sounding, and resounding shouts: for Hope chear'd euery hand
To make the Greek fleete now their prise, and all the Greeks destroy.
But Neptune (circler of the earth) with fresh heart did employ
The Grecian hands. In strength of voice, and body, he did take
Calchas resemblance, and (of all) th' Aiaces first bespake;

Neptune to the two Aiaces.

Who of themselues were free enough: Aiaces? you alone

Sustaine the common good of Greece, in euer putting on
The memorie of Fortitude: and flying shamefull Flight.
Elsewhere, the desperate hands of Troy, could giue me no affright,
The braue Greeks haue withstood their worst: but this our mightie wall
Being thus transcended by their powre; graue Feare doth much appall
My carefull spirits, lest we feele, some fatall mischiefe here;
Where Hector raging like a flame, doth in his charge appeare,
And boasts himselfe the best Gods sonne. Be you conceited so,
And fire so, more then humane spirits; that God may seeme to do
In your deeds: and with such thoughts chear'd, others to such exhort,
And such resistance: these great minds, will in as great a sort,
Strengthen your bodies, and force checke, to all great Hectors charge,
Though nere so spirit-like; and though Ioue still, (past himselfe) enlarge
His sacred actions. Thus he toucht, with his forckt scepters point
The brests of both; fild both their spirits, and made vp euery ioynt


With powre responsiue: when hawk-like, swift, and set sharpe to flie,

That fiercely stooping from a rocke, inaccessible, and hie,
Cuts through a field, and sets a fowle, (not being of her kind)
Hard, and gets ground still: Neptune so, left these two; eithers mind
Beyond themselues raisd. Of both which, Oileus first discern'd

Aiax Oileus to Aiax Telamonius.

The masking Deitie: and said, Aiax? some God hath warn'd

Our powres to fight, and saue our fleet. He put on him the hew
Of th' Augure Calchas: by his pace (in leauing vs) I knew
(Without all question) twas a God: the Gods are easly knowne:
And in my tender brest I feele, a greater spirit blowne,
To execute affaires of fight: I find my hands so free


To all high motion; and my feete, seeme featherd vnder me.

The two Aiaces to one another.

This, Telamonius thus receiu'd: So, to my thoughts, my hands
Burne with desire to tosse my lance; each foote beneath me stands
Bare on bright fire, to vse his speed: my heart is raisd so hie,
That to encounter Hectors selfe, I long insatiately.
While these thus talkt, as, ouer-ioyd, with studie for the fight,
(Which God had stird vp in their spirits) the same God did excite
The Greekes that were behind at fleet, refreshing their free hearts
And ioynts; being euen dissolu'd with toyle: and (seeing the desprate parts
Playd by the Troians, past their wall) Griefe strooke them; and their eyes
Sweat teares from vnder their sad lids: their instant destinies
Neuer supposing they could scape. But Neptune stepping in,
With ease stird vp the able troopes; and did at first begin
With Teucer, and Peneleus; th' Heroe Leitus;
Deipirus, Meriones, and yong Antilochus;
All expert in the deeds of armes: O youths of Greece (said he)

Neptune to the Greekes.

What change is this? In your braue fight, I onely lookt to see
Our fleets whole safetie; and if you, neglect the harmefull field;
Now shines the day, when Greece to Troy, must all her honours yeeld.
O griefe! so great a miracle, and horrible to sight,
As now I see; I neuer thought, could haue prophan'd the light:
The Troians braue vs at our ships, that haue bene heretofore,
Like faint and fearefull Deare in woods; distracted euermore
With euerie sound: and yet scape not, but proue the torne-vp fare
Of Lynces, Wolues, and Leopards; as neuer borne to warre:
Nor durst these Troians at first siege, in any least degree,
Expect your strength; or stand one shocke, of Grecian Chiualrie.
Yet now, farre from their walles they dare, fight at our fleet maintaine;
All by our Generals cowardise, that doth infect his men;
Who (still at ods with him) for that, will needs themselues neglect;
And suffer Slaughter in their ships. Suppose there was defect
(Beyond all question) in our king, to wrong Æacides;
And he, for his particular wreake, from all assistance cease:
We must not ceasse t'assist our selues. Forgiue our Generall then;

Good minded men apt to forgiue.

And quickly too: apt to forgiue, are all good minded men.
Yet you (quite voide of their good minds) giue good, in you quite lost,
For ill in others: though ye be, the worthiest of your host.
As old as I am, I would scorne, to fight with one that flies,
Or leaues the fight, as you do now. The Generall slothfull lies,
And you (though sloughtfull to) maintaine, with him, a fight of splene.
Out, out, I hate ye from my heart; ye rotten minded men.
In this, ye adde an ill thats worse, then all your sloths dislikes.
But as I know, to all your hearts, my reprehension strikes;
So thither let iust shame strike to; for while you stand still here,
A mightie fight swarms at your fleete, great Hector rageth there,
Hath burst the long barre and the gates. Thus Neptune rowsd these men;
And round about th' Aiaces did, their Phalanxes maintaine,
Their station firme; whom Mars himselfe, (had he amongst them gone)


Could not disparage; nor Ioues Maide, that sets men fiercer on:
For now the best were chosen out, and they receiu'd th' aduance
Of Hector and his men so full, that lance, was lin'd with lance;
Shields, thickned with opposed shields; targets to targets nail'd:
Helmes stucke to helmes; and man to man, grew; they so close assail'd:
Plum'd caskes, were hang'd in eithers plumes: all ioyn'd so close their stands;
Their lances stood, thrust out so thicke, by such all-daring hands.
All bent their firme brests to the point; and made sad fight their ioy
Of both: Troy all in heapes strooke first, and Hector first of Troy.
And as a round peece of a rocke, which with a winters flood


Is from his top torne; when a showre, powr'd from a bursten cloud,

Hath broke the naturall bond it held, within the rough steepe rocke;
And iumping, it flies downe the woods, resounding euerie shocke;
And on, vncheckt, it headlong leapes, till in a plaine it stay:
And then (though neuer so impeld) it stirs not any way.
So Hector, hereto throated threats, to go to sea in blood,
And reach the Grecian ships and tents; without being once withstood:
But when he fell into the strengths, the Grecians did maintaine,
And that they fought vpon the square, he stood as fetterd then.
And so, the aduerse sons of Greece, laid on with swords and darts,
(Whose both ends hurt) that they repeld, his worst; and he conuerts
His threats, by all meanes, to retreats; yet, made as he retir'd
Onely t'encourage those behind; and thus those men inspir'd:
Troians? Dardanians? Lycians? all warlike friends, stand close;

Hector to his friends.

The Greeks can neuer beare me long, though towre-like they oppose;

This lance (be sure) will be their spoile: if, euen the best of Gods,
(High-thundring Iunos husband) stirres, my spirite with true abodes.
With this, all strengths and minds he mou'd; but yong Deiphobus,

Deiphobus his valor.

(Old Priams sonne) amongst them all, was chiefly vertuous.

He bore before him his round shield; tript lightly through the prease,
At all parts couerd with his shield: And him Meriones
Charg'd with a glittring dart, that tooke, his bul-hide orbie shield,
Yet pierc't it not, but in the top, it selfe did peecemeale yeeld.
Deiphobus thrust forth his targe, and fear'd the broken ends
Of strong Meriones his lance, who now turnd to his friends;
The great Heroe, scorning much, by such a chance to part
With lance and conquest: forth he went, to fetch another dart
Left at his tent. The rest fought on, the Clamor heightned there

Teucers valor.

Was most vnmeasur'd; Teucer first, did flesh the Massacre,

And slue a goodly man at armes, the souldier Imbrius,
The sonne of Mentor, rich in horse; he dwelt at Pedasus
Before the sonnes of Greece sieg'd Troy; from whence he married
Medesicasté, one that sprung, of Priams bastard bed.
But when the Greeke ships, (double oar'd) arriu'd at Ilion,
To Ilion he returnd, and prou'd, beyond comparison
Amongst the Troians; he was lodg'd, with Priam, who held deare
His naturall sonnes no more then him; yet him, beneath the eare
The sonne of Telamon attain'd, and drew his lance. He fell


As when, an Ash on some hils top, (it selfe topt wondrous well)


The steele bewes downe, and he presents, his young leaues to the soyle:
So fell he, and his faire armes gron'd; which Teucer long'd to spoyle,
And in he ranne; and Hector in, who sent a shining lance
At Teucer; who (beholding it) slipt by, and gaue it chance
On Actors sonne Amphimachus, whose breast it strooke; and in
Flew Hector, at his sounding fall, with full intent to win
The tempting helmet from his head; but Aiax with a dart,
Reacht Hector at his rushing in, yet toucht not any part
About his bodie; it was hid, quite through with horrid brasse;
The bosse yet of his targe it tooke, whose firme stuffe staid the passe,
And he turnd safe from both the trunks: both which the Grecians bore
From off the field; Amphimachus, Menestheus did restore,
And Stichius, to th' Achaian strength: th' Aiaces (that were pleasd
Still most, with most hote seruices) on Troian Imbrius seasd:
And, as from sharply-bitten hounds, a brace of Lions force


A new slaine Goate; and through the woods, beare in their iawes the corse
Aloft, lift vp into the aire: so, vp, into the skies
Bore both th' Aiaces, Imbrius; and made his armes their prise.
Yet (not content) Oileades, enrag'd, to see there dead
His much belou'd Amphimachus; he hewd off Imbrius head,
Which (swinging round) bowle-like he tost, amongst the Troian prease,
And full at Hectors feete it fell. Amphimachus decease
(Being nephew to the God of waues) much vext the Deities mind;
And to the ships and tents he marcht: yet more, to make inclinde
The Grecians, to the Troian bane. In hasting to which end,
Idomeneus met with him, returning from a friend,
Whose hamme late hurt, his men brought off; and hauing giuen command
To his Physitians for his cure, (much fir'd to put his hand
To Troyes repulse) he lef this tent. Him (like Andremons sonne,
Prince Thoas, that in Pleuron rulde, and loftie Calidon,
Th' Ætolian powres; and like a God, was of his subiects lou'd)
Neptune encountred: and but thus, his forward spirit mou'd.
Idomeneus, Prince of Crete? O whither now are fled

Neptune to Idomen

Those threats in thee, with which the rest, the Troians menaced?
O Thoas (he replide) no one, of all our host, stands now
In any question of reproofe (as I am let to know)
And why is my intelligence false? We all know how to fight,
And (Feare disanimating none) all do our knowledge right.
Nor can our harmes accuse our sloth; not one from worke we misse:
The great God onely workes our ill, whose pleasure now it is,
That farre from home, in hostile fields, and with inglorious fate,
Some Greeks should perish. But do thou, O Thoas (that of late
Hast prou'd a souldier, and was wont, where thou hast Sloth beheld,
To chide it, and exhort to paines) now hate to be repeld,
And set on all men. He replied, I would to heauen, that he
Who euer this day doth abstaine, from battell willinglie,
May neuer turne his face from Troy, but here become the prey


And skorne of dogs. Come then, take armes, and let our kind assay
Ioyne both our forces: though but two, yet being both combinde,
The worke of many single hands, we may performe; we finde
That Vertue coaugmented thriues, in men of little minde:
But we, haue singly, matcht the great. This said, the God again
(With all his conflicts) visited, the ventrous fight of men.
The king turnd to his tent; rich armes, put on his brest, and toooke
Two darts in hand, and forth he flew; his haste on made him looke
Much like a fierie Meteor, with which, Ioues sulphrie hand
Opes heauen, and hurles about the aire, bright flashes, showing aland
Abodes; that euer run before, tempest, and plagues to men:
So, in his swift pace, shew'd his armes: he was encountred then
By his good friend Meriones, yet neare his tent; to whom
Thus spake the powre of Idomen: What reason makes thee come,
(Thou sonne of Molus, my most lou'd) thus leauing fight alone?
Is't for some wound? the Iauelins head, (still sticking in the bone)
Desir'st thou ease of? Bring'st thou newes? or what is it that brings
Thy presence hither? Be assur'd, my spirite needs no stings
To this hote conflict. Of my selfe, thou seest I come; and loth
For any tents loue, to deserue, the hatefull taint of Sloth.
He answerd, Onely for a dart, he that retreat did make,
(Were any left him at his tent:) for, that he had, he brake
On proud Deiphobus his shield. Is one dart all? (said he)
Take one and twentie, if thou like, for in my tent they be;
They stand there shining by the walls: I tooke them as my prise
From those false Troians I haue slaine. And this is not the guise
Of one that loues his tent, or fights, afarre off with his foe:
But since I loue fight, therefore doth, my martiall starre bestow
(Besides those darts) helmes, targets bost, and corslets, bright as day.
So I (said Merion) at my tent, and sable barke, may say,
I many Troian spoiles retaine: but now, not neare they be,
To serue me for my present vse; and therefore aske I thee.
Not that I lacke a fortitude, to store me with my owne:
For euer in the formost fights, that render men renowne,
I fight, when any fight doth stirre: and this perhaps, may well
Be hid to others, but thou know'st, and I to thee appeale.
I know (replide the king) how much, thou weigh'st in euerie worth,
What needst thou therefore vtter this? If we should now chuse forth
The worthiest men for ambushes, in all our fleet and host:
(For ambushes are seruices, that trie mens vertues most;
Since there, the fearefull and the firme, will, as they are, appeare:
The fearefull altering still his hue, and rests not any where;
Nor is his spirit capable, of th' ambush constancie,
But riseth, changeth still his place, and croucheth curiously
On his bent hanches; halfe his height, scarce seene aboue the ground,
For feare to be seene, yet must see: his heart with many a bound,
Offring to leape out of his breast, and (euer fearing death)
The coldnesse of it makes him gnash, and halfe shakes out his teeth.


Where men of valour, neither feare, nor euer change their lookes,
From lodging th' ambush till it rise: buut since there must be strokes,
Wish to be quickly in their midst:) thy strength and hand in these,
Who should reproue? For if, farre off, or fighting in the prease,
Thou shouldst be wounded, I am sure, the dart that gaue the wound
Should not be drawne out of thy backe, or make thy necke the ground;
But meete thy bellie, or thy breast; in thrusting further yet
When thou art furthest, till the first, and before him thou get.
But on; like children, let not vs, stand bragging thus, but do;
Lest some heare, and past measure chide, that we stand still and wooe.
Go, chuse a better dart, and make, Mars yeeld a better chance.
This said, Mars-swift Meriones, with haste, a brazen lance
Tooke from his tent; and ouertooke (most carefull of the wars)
Idomeneus. And such two, in field, as harmfull Mars,
And Terror, his beloued sonne, that without terror fights;
And is of such strength, that in warre, the frighter he affrights;
When, out of Thrace, they both take armes, against th' Ephyran bands;
Or gainst the great-soul'd Phlegians: nor fauour their owne hands,
But giue the grace to others still. In such sort to the fight,
Marcht these two managers of men; in armours full of light.
And first spake Merion: On which part, (sonne of Deucalion)
Serues thy mind to inuade the fight? is't best to set vpon
The Troians in our battels aide, the right or left-hand wing,
For all parts I suppose employd. To this the Cretan king,
Thus answerd: In our nauies midst, are others that assist,
The two Aiaces, Teucer too; with shafts, the expertest
Of all the Grecians, and though small, is great in fights of stand.
And these (though huge he be of strengh) will serue to fill the hand
Of Hectors selfe, that Priamist, that studier for blowes:
It shall be cald a deed of height, for him (euen suffring throwes
For knocks still) to out labour them: and (bettring their tough hands)
Enflame our fleet: if Ioue himselfe, cast not his fier-brands
Amongst our nauie; that affaire, no man can bring to field:
Great Aiax Telamonius, to none aliue will yeeld,
That yeelds to death; and whose life takes, Ceres nutritions
That can be cut with any iron, or pasht with mightie stones.
Not to Æacides himselfe, he yeelds for combats set,
Though cleare he must giue place for pace, and free swinge of his feete.
Since then, the battell (being our place, of most care) is made good
By his high valour; let our aid, see all powres be withstood,
That charge the left wing: and to that, let vs direct our course,
Where quickly, feele we this hote foe, or make him feele our force.
This orderd; swift-Meriones, went, and forewent his king;
Till both arriu'd, where one enioynd: when in the Greeks left wing,
The Troians saw the Cretan king, like fire in fortitude;
And his attendant in bright armes, so gloriously indude,
Both chearing the sinister troopes: all at the king addrest,
And so the skirmish at their sternes, on both parts were increast:



That, as from hollow bustling winds, engenderd stormes arise,

When dust doth chiefly clog the waies, which vp into the skies
The wanton tempest rauisheth; begetting Night of Day;
So came together both the foes: both lusted to assay,
And worke with quicke steele, eithers death. Mans fierce Corruptresse Fight
Set vp her bristles in the field, with lances long and light,
Which thicke, fell foule on eithers face: the splendor of the steele,
In new skowrd curets, radiant caskes, and burnisht shields, did seele
Th' assailers eyes vp. He sustaind, a huge spirit that was glad
To see that labour, or in soule, that stood not stricken sad.
Thus these two disagreeing Gods, old Saturns mightie sonnes,
Afflicted these heroique men, with huge oppressions.
Ioue honouring Æacides, (to let the Greeks still trie
Their want without him) would bestow, (yet still) the victorie
On Hector, and the Troian powre; yet for Æacides,
And honor of his mother Queene, great Goddesse of the seas,
He would not let proude Ilion see, the Grecians quite destroid:
And therefore, from the hoarie deepe, he sufferd so imploid
Great Neptune in the Grecian aid; who grieu'd for them, and storm'd
Extremely at his brother Ioue. Yet both, one Goddesse form'd,
And one soile bred: but Iupiter, precedence tooke in birth,
And had more

The Empire of Ioue exceeded Neptunes (saith Pluto vpon this place) because he was more ancient, and excellent in knowledg and wisedome. And vpon this verse, viz.αλλα Ζευς προτερος, &c. sets downe this his most worthy to be noted opinion: viz. I thinke also that the blessednesse of eternall life, which God enioyes is this: that by any past time he forgets not notions presently apprehended; for other wise the knowledge & vnderstāding of things taken away; Immortality shold not be life, but Time, &c. Plut. de Iside & Osiride.

knowledge: for which cause, the other came not forth

Of his wet kingdome, but with care, of not being seene t'excite
The Grecian host, and like a man, appeard, and made the fight.
So these Gods made mens valours great; but equald them with warre
As harmefull, as their hearts were good; and stretcht those chaines as farre
On both sides as their lims could beate: in which they were inuolu'd
Past breach, or loosing; that their knees, might therefore be dissolu'd.
Then, though a halfe-gray man he were, Cretes soueraigne did excite
The Greeks to blowes; and flew vpon, the Troians, euen to flight:
For he, in sight of all the host, Othryoneus slew,
That from Cabesus, with the fame, of those warres, thither drew
His new-come forces, and requir'd, without respect of dowre,
Cassandra, fair'st of Priams race; assuring with his powre,
A mightie labour: to expell, in their despite from Troy
The sons of Greece. The king did vow, (that done) he should enioy
His goodliest daughter. He, (in trust, of that faire purchase) fought,
And at him threw the Cretan king, a lance, that singl'd out
This great assumer; whom it strooke, iust in his nauils stead;
His brazen curets helping nought, resignd him to the dead.
Then did the conquerour exclaime, and thus insulted then:
Othryoneus, I will praise, beyond all mortall men,
Thy liuing vertues; if thou wilt, now perfect the braue vow
Thou mad'st to Priam, for the wife, he promisd to bestow.
And where he should haue kept his word, there we assure thee here,

Idomens insultation on Othryoneus.

To giue thee for thy Princely wife, the fairest, and most deare,

Of our great Generals femall race, which from his Argiue hall,
We all will waite vpon to Troy; if with our aids, and all,


Thou wilt but race this well-built towne. Come therefore, follow me,
That in our ships, we may conclude, this royall match with thee:
Ile be no iote worse then my word. With that he tooke his feete,
And dragg'd him through the feruent fight; In which, did Asius meete
The victor, to inflict reuenge. He came on foote before
His horse, that on his shoulders breath'd; so closely euermore
His coachman led them to his Lord: who held a huge desire
To strike the King, but he strooke first; and vnderneath his chin,

Asius slaine.

At his throats height, through th' other side, his eager lance draue in;
And downe he busl'd, like an Oake, a Poplar, or a Pine,
Hewne downe for shipwood, and so lay: his fall did so decline
The spirit of his chariotere; that lest he should incense
The victor to empaire his spoile, he durst not driue from thence
His horse and chariot: and so pleasd, with that respectiue part
Antilochus, that for his feare, he reacht him with a dart,

Antilochus slaughters the chariotere of Asius.

About his bellies midst; and downe, his sad corse fell beneath
The richly-builded chariot, there labouring out his breath.
The horse Antilochus tooke off; when, (grieu'd for this euent)
Deiphobus drew passing neare, and at the victor sent
A shining Iauelin; which he saw, and shund; with gathring round

Deiphobus at Antilochus, and kils Hypsenor.

His body, in his all-round shield; at whose top, with a sound,
It ouerflew; yet seising there, it did not idlely flie
From him that wing'd it; his strong hand, still draue it mortally
On Prince Hypsenor; it did pierce, his liuer, vnderneath
The veines it passeth: his shrunke knees, submitted him to death.
And then did lou'd-Deiphobus, miraculously vant:
Now Asius lies not vnreueng'd, nor doth his spirit want

Deiphobus his Braue.

The ioy I wish it; though it be, now entring the strong gate
Of mightie Pluto: since this hand, hath sent him downe a mate.
This glorie in him grieu'd the Greeks, and chiefly the great mind
Of martiall Antilochus; who, (though to griefe inclind)
He left not yet his friend, but ran, and hid him with his shield;
And to him came two louely friends, that freed him from the field:
Mecisteus, sonne of Echius; and the right nobly borne
Alastor, bearing him to fleet, and did extremely mourne.
Idomeneus suncke not yet, but held his nerues entire;
His mind much lesse deficient, being fed with firme desire
To hide more Troians in dim night, or sinke himselfe, in guard
Of his lou'd countrimen. And then, Alcathous prepar'd
Worke for his valour; offring fate, his owne destruction.
A great Heroe, and had grace, to be the loued sonne
Of Æsietes, sonne in law, to Prince Æneas Sire;
Hippodamia marrying: who most enflam'd the fire
Of her deare parents loue; and tooke, precedence in her birth,
Of all their daughters; and as much, exceeded in her worth
(For beautie answerd with her mind; and both, with housewiferie)
All the faire beautie of young Dames, that vsde her companie;
And therefore (being the worthiest Dame) the worthiest man did wed


Of ample Troy. Him Neptune stoopt, beneath the royall force
Of Idomen; his sparkling eyes, deluding; and the course
Of his illustrious lineaments, so, out of nature bound,
That backe, nor forward, he could stirre: but (as he grew to ground
Stood like a pillar, or high tree, and neither mou'd, nor fear'd:
When strait the royall Cretans dart, in his mid breast appear'd;
It brake the curets that were proofe, to euerie other dart,
Yet now they cleft and rung; the lance, stucke shaking in his heart:
His heart with panting made it shake. But Mars did now remit
The greatnesse of it, and the king, now quitting the bragge fit
Of glorie in Deiphobus, thus terribly exclam'd:

Idomeneus to Deiphobus.

Deiphobus, now may we thinke, that we are euenly fam'd,

That three for one haue sent to Dis. But come, change blowes with me,
Thy vaunts for him thou slew'st were vaine: Come wretch, that thou maist see
What issue Ioue hath; Ioue begot, Minos, the strength of Crete:
Minos begot Deucalion; Deucalion did beget
Me Idomen now Cretas king, that here my ships haue brought,
To bring thy selfe, thy father, friends, all Ilions pompe to nought.
Deiphobus at two wayes stood, in doubt to call some one
(With some retreat) to be his aide, or trie the chance alone.
At last, the first seem'd best to him; and backe he went to call,
Anchises sonne to friend; who stood, in troope the last of all,

Æneas angrie being euer disgraced by Priā.

Where still he seru'd: which made him still, incense against the king,

That, being amongst his best, their Peere, he grac't not any thing
His wrong'd deserts. Deiphobus, spake to him, standing neare:

To him Deiphobus.

Æneas? Prince of Troians? if any touch appeare

Of glorie in thee: thou must now, assist thy sisters Lord,
And one, that to thy tendrest youth, did carefull guard afford,
Alcathous, whom Cretas king, hath chiefly slaine to thee;
His right most challenging thy hand: come therefore follow me.
This much excited his good mind, and set his heart on fire,
Against the Cretan: who child-like, dissolu'd not in his ire,


But stood him firme: As when, in hils, a strength-relying Bore,

Alone, and hearing hunters come (whom Tumult flies before)
Vp thrusts his bristles, whets his tusks, sets fire on his red eyes,
And in his braue-prepar'd repulse, doth dogs and men despise.
So stood the famous for his lance; nor shund the coming charge
That resolute Æneas brought; yet (since the ods was large)
He cald, with good right, to his aide, war-skild Ascalaphus,

Idomeneus cals his friends to aid

Aphareus, Meriones, the strong Deipyrus,

And Nestors honorable sonne: Come neare, my friends (said he)
And adde your aids to me alone: Feare taints me worthilie,
Though firme I stand, and shew it not: Æneas great in fight,

Æneas yet a youth as Virgil makes him.

And one, that beares youth in his flowre, (that beares the greatest might

Comes on, with aime, direct at me: had I his youthfull lim
To beare my mind, he should yeeld Fame, or I would yeeld it him.
This said, all held, in many soules, one readie helpfull mind,
Clapt shields and shoulders, and stood close. Æneas (not inclind


With more presumption then the king) cald aid as well as he:
Diuine Agenor; Hellens loue; who followd instantly,
And all their forces following them: as after Bellwethers
The whole flocks follow to their drinke; which sight the shepheard cheres.
Nor was Æneas ioy lesse mou'd, to see such troopes attend
His honord person; and all these, fought close about his friend.
But two of them, past all the rest, had strong desire to shed
The blood of either; Idomen, and Cythereas seed.

Æneas and Idomeneus in conflict.

Æneas first bestowd his lance, which th' other seeing, shund;
And that (throwne from an idle hand) stucke trembling in the ground.
But Idomens (discharg'd at him) had no such vaine successe,
Which Oenomaus entrailes found, in which it did impresse
His sharpe pile to his fall: his palms, tore his returning earth.
Idomeneus strait stept in, and pluckt his Iauelin forth,
But could not spoile his goodly armes, they prest him so with darts.
And now the long toile of the fight, had spent his vigorous parts,
And made them lesse apt to auoid, the foe that should aduance;
Or (when himselfe aduanc't againe) to run and fetch his lance.
And therefore in stiffe fights of stand, he spent the cruell day:
When (coming softly from the slaine) Deiphobus gaue way
To his brght Iauelin at the king, whom he could neuer brooke;
But then he lost his enuie too: his lance yet, deadly, tooke

Ascalaphus the sonne of Mars slaine by Æneas

Ascalaphus, the sonne of Mars; quite through his shoulder flew
The violent head, and downe he fell. Nor yet by all meanes knew
Wide throated Mars, his sonne was falne: but in Olympus top
Sad canapied with golden clouds. Ioues counsell had shut vp
Both him, and all the other Gods, from that times equall taske,
Which now about Ascalaphus, Strife set; his shining caske
Deiphobus had forc't from him: but instantly leapt in
Mars-swift Meriones, and strooke, with his long Iauelin,
The right arme of Deiphobus, which made his hand let fall

Deiphobus woūded by Meriones.

The sharp-topt helmet; the prest earth, resounding therewithall.
When, Vulture-like, Meriones, rusht in againe, and drew
(From out the low part of his arme) his Iauelin, and then flew
Backe to his friends. Deiphobus (faint with the bloods excesse
Falne from his wound) was carefully, conuaid out of the preasse
By his kind brother, by both sides, (Polites) till they gat
His horse and chariot, that were still, set fit for his retreate;
And bore him now to Ilion. The rest, fought fiercely on,
And set a mightie fight on foote. When next, Anchises sonne,
Aphareus Caletorides (that ran vpon him) strooke
Iust in the throate with his keene lance, and strait his head forsooke
His vpright cariage; and his shield, his helme, and all with him,
Fell to the earth: where ruinous death, made prise of euerie lim.
Antilochus (discouering well, that Thoons heart tooke checke)
Let flie, and cut the hollow veine, that runs vp to his necke,
Along his backe part, quite in twaine: downe in the dust he fell,
Vpwards, and with extended hands, bad all the world farewell.


Antilochus rusht nimbly in; and (looking round) made prise
Of his faire armes; in which affaire, his round set enemies
Let flie their lances; thundering, on his aduanced targe,
But could not get his flesh: the God, that shakes the earth, tooke charge
Of Nestors sonne, and kept him safe: who neuer was away,
But still amongst the thickest foes, his busie lance did play;
Obseruing euer when he might, far-off, or neare, offend;
And watching Asius sonne, in prease, he spide him, and did send
(Close coming on) a dart at him, that smote in midst his shield;
In which, the sharpe head of the lance, the blew-hair'd God made yeeld,
Not pleasd to yeeld his pupils life; in whose shield, halfe the dart
Stucke like a trunchion, burnd with fire; on earth lay th' other part.
He seeing no better end of all, retir'd; in feare of worse;
But him, Meriones pursude; and his lance found full course
To th' others life: it wounded him; betwixt the priuie parts
And nauill; where (to wretched men, that wars most violent smarts
Must vndergo) wounds chiefly vexe. His dart, Meriones,
Pursude, and Adamas so striu'd, with it, and his misease,


As doth a Bullocke puffe and storme; whom, in disdained bands,

The vpland heardsmen striue to cast: so (falne beneath the hands
Of his sterne foe) Asiades, did struggle, pant, and raue,
But no long time; for when the lance, was pluckt out, vp he gaue
His tortur'd soule. Then Troys turne came; when with a Thracian sword
The temples of Deipyrus, did Hellenus afford
So huge a blow; it strooke all light, out of his cloudie eyes,
And cleft his helmet; which a Greeke, (there fighting) made his prise,
(It fell so full beneath his feet.) Atrides grieu'd to see
That sight; and (threatning) shooke a lance, at Hellenus; and he
A bow, halfe drew, at him; at once, out flew both shaft and lance:
The shaft, Atrides curets strooke, and farre away did glance:

Hellenus wounded.

Atrides dart, of Hellenus, the thrust out bow-hand strooke,

And through the hand, stucke in the bow; Agenors hand did plucke
From forth the nailed prisoner, the Iauelin quickly out;
And fairely with a little wooll, enwrapping round about
The wounded hand; within a scarffe, he bore it; which his Squire
Had readie for him: yet the wound, would needs he should retire.
Pysander to reuenge his hurt, right on the King ran he;
A bloodie fate suggested him, to let him runne on thee


Menelaus, that he might, by thee, in dangerous warre,

Be done to death. Both coming on, Atrides lance did erre:
Pisander strooke Atrides shield, that brake at point, the dart
Not running through; yet he reioyc't; as playing a victors part.
Atrides (drawing his faire sword) vpon Pisander flew:
Pisander, from beneath his shield, his goodly weapon drew;
Two-edg'd, with right sharpe steele, and long; the handle Oliue tree,
Well polisht; and to blowes they go; vpon the top strooke he
Atrides horse-hair'd-featherd helme; Atrides, on his brow
(Aboue th' extreme part of his nose) laid such a heauie blow,


That all the bones crasht vnder it, and out his eyes did drop
Before his feete, in bloodie dust; he after, and shrunke vp
His dying bodie: which the foote, of his triumphing foe
Opened; and stood vpon his breast, and off his armes did go:
This insultation vsde the while: At length forsake our fleete,

Menelaus most ridiculous insultation.

(Thus ye false Troians) to whom warre, neuer enough is sweet:
Nor want ye more impieties; with which ye haue abusde
Me, (ye bold dogs) that your chiefe friends, so honourably vsde:
Nor feare you hospitable Ioue, that lets such thunders go:
But build vpon't, he will vnbuild, your towres, that clamber so;
For rauishing my goods, and wife, in flowre of all her yeares,
And without cause; nay when that faire, and liberall hand of hers
Had vsde you so most louingly; and now againe ye would,
Cast fire into our fleet, and kill, our Princes if ye could.
Go too, one day you will be curb'd (though neuer so ye thirst
Rude warre) by warre. O Father Ioue, they say thou art the first
In wisedome, of all Gods and men; yet all this comes from thee;
And still thou gratifiest these men, how lewd so ere they be;
Though neuer they be cloid with sinnes: nor can be satiate
(As good men should) with this vile warre. Satietie of state,
Satietie of sleepe and loue, Satietie of ease,
Of musicke, dancing, can find place; yet harsh warre still must please
Past all these pleasures, euen past these. They will be cloyd with these
Before their warre ioyes: neuer warre, giues Troy satieties.
This said, the bloody armes were off, and to his souldiers throwne,
He mixing in first fight againe: and then Harpalion,
(Kind King Pylemens sonne) gaue charge; who, to those warres of Troy,
His loued father followed; nor euer did enioy
His countries sight againe; he strooke, the targe of Atreus sonne
Full in the midst, his iauelins steele; yet had no powre to runne
The target through: nor had himselfe, the heart to fetch his lance,
But tooke him to his strength, and cast, on eueryside a glance,

Meriones slayes Harpalion.

Lest any his deare sides should dart: but Merion as he fled,
Sent after him a brazen lance, that ranne his eager head,
Through his right hippe, and all along, the bladders region,
Beneath the bone; it settl'd him, and set his spirit gone,
Amongst the hands of his best friends; and like a worme he lay,
Stretcht on the earth; which his blacke blood, embrewd and flow'd away,
His corse the Paphlagonians, did sadly waite vpon
(Reposd in his rich chariot) to sacred Ilion.
The king his father following, dissolu'd in kindly teares,
And no wreake sought for his slaine sonne. But, at his slaughterers
Incensed Paris spent a lance (since he had bene a guest,
To many Paphlagonians) and through the preasse it prest.
There was a certaine Augures sonne, that did for wealth excell,
And yet was honest; he was borne, and did at Corinth dwell:
Who (though he knew his harmefull fate) would needs his ship ascend;
His father (Polyidus) oft, would tell him, that his end


Would either seise him at his house, vpon a sharpe disease;
Or else amongst the Grecian ships, by Troians slaine. Both these
Together he desir'd to shun; but the disease (at last,
And lingring death in it) he left, and warres quicke stroke embrac't:
The lance betwixt his eare and cheeke, ran in; and draue the mind
Of both those bitter fortunes out: Night strooke his whole powres blind.
Thus fought they like the spirit of fire, nor Ioue-lou'd Hector knew
How in the fleets left wing, the Greekes, his downe-put souldiers slew
Almost to victorie: the God, that shakes the earth, so well
Helpt with his owne strength, and the Greeks, so fiercely did impell.
Yet Hector made the first place good, where both the ports and wall,
(The thicke rancke of the Greeke shields broke) he enterd, and did skall,
Where on the gray seas shore, were drawne (the wall being there but sleight,)
Protesilaus ships, and those, of Aiax, where the fight
Of men and horse were sharpest set. There the Bæotian band,

By Iaons (for Ionians) he intends the Athenians.

Long-rob'd Iaones, Locrians, and (braue men of their hands)

The Phthian, and Epcian troopes, did spritefully assaile,
The God-like Hector rushing in; and yet could not preuaile
To his repulse, though choicest men, of Athens, there made head:

The names of the Captaines at the fight at the wall, and their souldiers.

Amongst whom, was Menesthius Chiefe; whom Phidias followed:

Stichius, and Bias, huge in strength. Th' Epeian troopes were led
By Meges, and Philides cares, Amphion, Dracius.
Before the Phthians, Medon marcht, and Meneptolemus;
And these (with the Bæotian powres) bore vp the fleets defence.
Otleus, by his brothers side, stood close, and would not thence

Simile, wherein the two Aiaces are compared to two draught oxen.

For any moment of that time: but as through fallow fields,

Blacke Oxen draw a well-ioyn'd plough, and either, euenly yeelds
His thriftie labour; all heads coucht, so close to earth, they plow
The fallow with their hornes, till out, the sweate begins to flow;
The stretcht yokes cracke, and yet at last, the furrow forth is driuen:
So toughly stood these to their taske, and made their worke as euen.
But Aiax Telamonius, had many helpfull men,
That when sweate ran about his knees, and labour flow'd, would then
Helpe beare his mightie seuen-fold shield: when swift Oileades

The Locrians which Oileus Aiax led, were all Archers.

The Locrians left, and would not make, those murthrous fights of prease,

Because they wore no bright steele caskes, nor bristl'd plumes for show,
Round shields, nor darts of solid Ash; but with the trustie bow,
And iackes, well quilted with soft wooll, they came to Troy, and were
(In their fit place) as confident, as those that fought so neare;
And reacht their foes so thicke with shafts, that these were they that brake
The Troian orders first; and then, the braue arm'd men did make
Good worke with their close fights before. Behind whom, hauing shot,
The Locrians hid still; and their foes, all thought of fight forgot;
With shewes of those farre striking shafts, their eyes were troubled so:
And then, assur'dly, from the ships, and tents, th' insulting foe,
Had miserably fled to Troy, had not Polydamas

Polydamas to Hector.

Thus spoke to Hector. Hector still, impossible tis to passe

Good counsell vpon you: but say, some God prefers thy deeds:


In counsels wouldst thou passe vs too? In all things none exceeds.
To some, God giues the powre of warre; to some the sleight to dance;

Polydamas aduice to Hector.

To some, the art of instruments; some doth for voice aduance:
And that far-seeing God grants some, the wisedome of the minde,
Which no man can keepe to himselfe: that (though but few can finde)
Doth profite many, that preserues, the publique weale and state:
And that, who hath, he best can prise: but, for me, Ile relate
Onely my censure what's our best. The verie crowne of warre
Doth burne about thee; yet our men, when they haue reacht thus farre,
Suppose their valours crownd, and ceasse. A few still stir their feet,
And so a few with many fight; sperst thinly through the fleet.
Retire then, leaue speech to the route, and all thy Princes call;
That, here, in counsels of most weight, we may resolue of all.
If hauing likelihood to beleeue, that God wil conquest giue,
We shall charge through; or with this grace, make our retreate, and liue:
For (I must needs affirme) I feare, the debt of yesterday
(Since warre is such a God of change) the Grecians now will pay.
And since th' insatiate man of warre, remaines at fleet, if there
We tempt his safetie: no howre more, his hote soule can forbeare.
This sound stuffe Hector lik't, approu'd, iumpt from his chariot,
And said; Polydamas? make good, this place, and suffer not
One Prince to passe it; I myselfe, will there go, where you see

Hector for his goodly forme compared to a hill of snow.

Those friends in skirmish; and returne (when they haue heard from me,
Command, that your aduice obeys) with vtmost speed: this said,
With day-bright armes, white plume, white skarffe, his goodly lims arraid,
He parted from them, like a hill, remouing, all of snow:
And to the Troian Peres and Chiefes, he flew; to let them know
The Counsell of Polydamas. All turnd, and did reioyce;
To haste to Panthus gentle sonne, being cald by Hectors voyce.
Who (through the forefights making way) lookt for Deiophobus;
King Hellenus, Asiades, Hyrtasian Asius:
Of whom, some were not to be found, vnhurt, or vndeceast;
Some onely hurt, and gone from field. As further he addrest,
He found within the fights left wing, the faire-hair'd Hellens loue,
By all meanes mouing men to blowes; which could by no meanes moue
Hectors forbeareance; his friends misse, so put his powres in storme:

Hector chideth Paris.

But thus in wonted terms he chid: You, with the finest forme,
Impostor, womans man: Where are (in your care markt) all these?
Deiphobus, king Hellenus, Asius Hyrtacides?
Othryoneus, Acamas? now haughtie Ilion
Shakes to his lowest ground worke: now, iust ruine fals vpon
Thy head, past rescue. He replyed; Hector, why chid'st thou now
When I am guiltlesse? other times, there are for ease I know,
Then these; for she that brought thee forth, not vtterly left me
Without some portion of thy spirit, to make me brother thee.
But since thou first brought'st in thy force, to this our nauall fight:
I, and my friends, haue ceaslesse fought, to do thy seruice right.
But all those friends thou seek'st are slaine, excepting Hellenus,


(Who parted wounded in his hand) and so Deiphobus;
Ioue yet auerted death from them. And now leade thou as farre
As thy great heart affects; all we, will second any warre
That thou endurest: And I hope, my owne strength is not lost,
Though least, Ile fight it to his best; nor further fights the most.
This calm'd hote Hectors spleene; and both, turnd where they saw the face
Of warre most fierce: and that was, where, their friends made good the place
About renowm'd Polydamas, and God-like Polyphet,
Palmus, Ascanius; Morus, that, Hippotion did beget;
And from Ascanias wealthie fields, but euen the day before
Arriu'd at Troy; that with their aide, they kindly might restore
Some kindnesse they receiu'd from thence: and in fierce fight with these,
Phalces and tall Orthæus stood, and bold Cebriones.
And then the doubt that in aduice, Polydamas disclosd,
To fight or flie, Ioue tooke away, and all to fight disposd.


And as the floods of troubled aire, to pitchie stormes increase

That after thunder sweepes the fields, and rauish vp the seas,
Encountring with abhorred roares, when the engrossed waues
Boile into foame; and endlesly, one after other raues:
So rank't and guarded, th' Ilians marcht; some now, more now, and then

The Troian host, and Hector glorified.

More vpon more, in shining steele; now Captaines, then their men.

And Hector, like man-killing Mars, aduanc't before them all,
His huge round target before him, through thickn'd, like a wall,
With hides well coucht, with store of brasse; and on his temples shin'd
His bright helme, on which danc't his plume: and in this horrid kind,
(All hid within his worldlike shield) he euerie troope assaid
For entrie; that in his despite, stood firme, and vndismaid.
Which when he saw, and kept more off; Aiax came stalking then,
And thus prouokt him: O good man, why fright'st thou thus our men?

Aiax his speech to Hector, Scopticè.

Come nearer; not Arts want in warre, makes vs thus nauie-bound,

But Ioues direct scourge; his arm'd hand, makes our hands giue you ground:
Yet thou hop'st (of thy selfe) our spoile: but we haue likewise hands
To hold our owne, as you to spoile: and ere thy countermands
Stand good against our ransackt fleete; your hugely-peopl'd towne
Our hands shall take in; and her towres, from all their heights pull downe.
And I must tell thee, time drawes on, when, flying, thou shalt crie
To Ioue, and all the Gods, to make, thy faire-man'd horses flie
More swift then Falkons; that their hoofes, may rouse the dust, and beare
Thy bodie, hid, to Ilion. This said, his bold words were
Confirm'd, as soone as spoke; Ioues bird, the high flowne Eagle tooke
The right hand of their host, whose wings, high acclamations strooke,
From foorth the glad breasts of the Greeks. Then Hector made replie:

Hector to Aiax.

Vaine-spoken man, and glorious; what hast thou said? would I

As surely were the sonne of Ioue, and of great Iuno borne;
Adorn'd like Pallas, and the God, that lifts to earth the Morne;
As this day shall bring harmefull light, to all your host; and thou,
(If thou dar'st stand this lance) the earth, before the ships shalt strow,
Thy bosome torne vp; and the dogs, with all the fowle of Troy,


Be satiate with thy fat, and flesh. This said, with showting ioy
His first troopes follow'd; and the last, their showts with showts repeld:
Greece answerd all, nor could her spirits, from all shew rest conceald.
And to so infinite a height, all acclamations stroue,
They reacht the splendors, stucke about, the vnreacht throne of Ioue.