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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Sonet 2.

Bvt while my Sprite aboue the spheares aspyres,
And from the World would separation make,
Myne Eyes repyning at my Soules desyres,
With Lot's fond Wife, relenting looks cast backe.
Thou, whose consuming breath her soyle did sacke,
All Lets, my flight which doe empeach, remove:
Wing my affection that in word, in act,
From Earth sequestred I may vpwards move,
There, where around Thee, Wisdome, Iustice, Loue.
Truth, Mercie with extended wings, abide,
With numbrous hostes all number farre aboue,
Of Sprites which in eternity them hyde:
O lead me thither, thither make mee runne:
Perfite thy worke, (Good Lord), in mee begunne.