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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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Sighs of an sorrowfull soule.

Sigh, sadly sigh, sob for thy Sinnes and sound,
Weepe waile, and woe, mourn mirthles Man, and mone,
Redouble thy dolor, til each Den redound;
VVith noysome notes, thy accents euerie one,
Crie carefull crie, while euery sensles stone,
Peirst with thy plaints, for pitie plead, and pleane,
VVith tragicke teares, toone out thy griefs, and grone
VVhile marble mazed at thy mones remaine,
Thou writes thy woes, thou weeps, thou vowes in vain
Giue not anon, from straying thus, thou stay,
Thou's driue thy daies, in dateles deepe disdaine,
Then sadly sigh poore Soule, and sighing say,
Sad be each sigh, moir noysome euerie note,
That treads the tracture of my troubled throte.