University of Virginia Library



Euen as the painfull pylot day and night,
in surging seas with tempests overtost,
depryvd of Sun, of Moone, and starrye light,
perplexedlye drawes narr and shunns the cost,
euen so my tossed saule through fyres and frost,
conseumd with feares, confunded with dispaire,
desyrous of the eyes quhase sight shee lost,
doeth covet more the causer of her caire:
alyke far aff, nar hand, now heire, now there,
succumbing in lovs seas I faynte and tyre;
far aff, your face enflams me mair and maire,
nar hand, your eyes dothe burne me in ther fyre:
Alas! quhat paynes and plagues ar these I prove,
to purches death for lyfe in this my love.