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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken

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Primum gaudium.


O qwene of heven, of helle eke Emparesse!
Alle creatures in goodnesse surmonting,—
For þilke Ioye þowe haddeste of gladnesse
When that Gabriell brought þee þe tythinge
That the lord and þe moste souerein kynge
Sente þe Holy Goste, for to alyght in the,
To take of mekenesse oure humanytee,



Pray to thy sune of mercy and pite
For me tavoyde all þat schoulde hym displaise,
And with his grace so to enspyre me
And doune descende to sette myn herte in ese,
That I by grace gostely may him pleesse
From day to day, and where as I offende,
Soone to repente and my lyff eke amende.
Aue Maria.