A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions Garnished and decked with diuers dayntie deuises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by diuers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, ioyned together and builded up: By T. P. [i.e. Thomas Procter] |
The Louer recounteth his faythfull diligence towarde
his beloued, with the rewardes that
hee reapeth therof.
A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions | ||
The Louer recounteth his faythfull diligence towarde his beloued, with the rewardes that hee reapeth therof.
fancy feedes, vpon the sugred gaule,
My witlesse will, vnwillingly workes my woe:
My carefull choyse, doth choose to keepe mee thraule,
My franticke folly, fawns vpon my foe:
My lust alluers, my lickering lyppes to taste,
The bayte wherin, the subtill hooke is plaste.
My witlesse will, vnwillingly workes my woe:
My carefull choyse, doth choose to keepe mee thraule,
My franticke folly, fawns vpon my foe:
My lust alluers, my lickering lyppes to taste,
The bayte wherin, the subtill hooke is plaste.
My hungry hope, doth heape my heauy hap,
My sundry sutes, procure my more disdayne:
My steadfast steppes, yet slyde into the trap,
My tryed truth, entangleth mee in trayne:
I spye the snare, and will not backward go,
My reason yeeldes, and yet sayth euer, no.
My sundry sutes, procure my more disdayne:
My steadfast steppes, yet slyde into the trap,
My tryed truth, entangleth mee in trayne:
I spye the snare, and will not backward go,
My reason yeeldes, and yet sayth euer, no.
In pleasant plat, I tread vpon the snake,
My flamyng thirst, I quench with venomd Wine:
In dayntie dish, I doo the poyson take,
My hunger biddes mee, rather eate then pine:
I sow, I set, yet fruit, ne flowre I finde,
I pricke my hand, yet leaue the Rose behinde.
My flamyng thirst, I quench with venomd Wine:
In dayntie dish, I doo the poyson take,
My hunger biddes mee, rather eate then pine:
I sow, I set, yet fruit, ne flowre I finde,
I pricke my hand, yet leaue the Rose behinde.
A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions | ||