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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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The XI. Chapter.


Oh , Man! How liust thou thus, in Greefe and Misery?
That thou

Ier. 5.e.

thinkest not on God, Who now is heere a declared/

Heere shall the fovver personages/stand as men sore amazed and afrayd.

He which hath Heauen and Earth, created and prepared.

Oh! ther was neuer anything, that mee so vext and feared,
As the Uoyce that I now heare, sounding in myne Eare.

Oh/alas alas! What is it, that troubles vs theare?
The hearing of such Woords, small Iove doth bring to mee.


Tush, regarde it not, it is but Phantasee.
Wherfore let not your Hearts, therto inclyne or bow.

O Cogitacions, aryse I praye thee now/
And reade vs the Scripture, set-foorth in Letters cleere.


Oh! I praye thee, do thou, rehearse it to vs heere/
The whiles we be present, altogether assembled.

Harken-too then/let not your Hearts be combred.
God hath ; by the Scripture; commanded vs each-one/
To haue no strainge

Exo. 20.a. Leuit. 19.a. Deut [illeg.].

Gods, besydes Hym alone:

For Hee is God only, and Creator of all.
Also, that no man, be he Great or Small/
Shall in any wyse, vse his Name

Leui. 19.b. Eccl. 22.a.

in vayne.

They shall in their Hearts, furdermore retayne/
That they do sanctify, the Lords Gabboth daye.
Eueryone in like sort ; so much as he maye;
Shall dutifully honour, his Father and his Mother:
And not seeke iniuryously, to kill

Math 5.c.

or hurt another.

Man and Wyfe also, shall keepe themselues warely/
That they in any case, do not commit Adultery.
Moreouer, in Theeuery,

Math. 19. Rom. 13. Ephe. 4.

men shall in no wyse liue:

Nor yet against Anyone, false

Exo. 20.b. Deut. 5.b. Math. 19.b. Rom. 13.a.

Testimony giue.

They shall liue reasonable, without any Abuce.
And shall likewyse couet, nomans Howse, to their Bee.
Nor his Wyfe/nor yet anything, that Another-man doth owe/
Now looke into yourselues, whether ye haue liued thus or noe.

Our Heart quaketh/we haue not knowen of this.


Exo. 20.b.

Ezo. 20.b. Math. 15.

Deut. 5.b. Math. 5.c. Rom. 13.a.


Oh! We haue consumed, our tyme farr a mys/
Also, cleane forgotten God, in his Power most conuenient/


Through Good-thinking & Unregarding, Makes very pestilent:
But thir wicked Fame or Credit, wil we now dispise.

Away thou Unregarding, with thy Counsayle, full of Lyes.

And thou likewyse Good-thinking, with thy wiked Fruits and Plants.

Alact, alact: into what Coasts ; sith heere our Credit wants;
Shall we poore Seruitours, go now for to remayne?

Good thinking.
Wo be to vs, wo be to vs, for we shall suerly be slayne/
Now that the Man doth know, our Wyles & Suttle craftynes.

Och/Man! remember yet, thy Folly & wicked Naughtynes:
And reioyce the only in God, and in Him becom renewed.
For the tyme

Act. 17.d.

of Ignorance, God hath ouer-viewed.

And now commandeth all Men, with good Aduertisment/
That they ; for their Sinnes; shoulde vnfaynedly

Math. 3.a. Luk. 3. 24.f. Act. 3. 4. Rom. 2.a.


Because that He, a certaye Daye hath sett/
On which

Act. 17.d.

He wil urdge now without all Lett

The Circuit of the Earth, with Righteousnes and Equytee.

O Lorde God,

Danie. 5.a. b.

remember now, our ignorant Simplicitee/

And extende towards vs, thy fauorable Grace.


Oh/that we haue liued thus ; in Euell; all this space:
Wheare shall we now becom, in this miserable Calamyte?

Turne your Hearts cleane about, in penitent Humilitee/
Yea, turne them now, to

Eze. 13.[illeg.] Ioel. 2.b.

God the Lorde, perpetuall


And so receaue to you, the Doctrine

The Evangelical Doctrine is the loue to God and to our Neighbour: and to haue Cōcord and Peace vvith each-other


For the same shall rightly, reioyce you at the Hart.
Beleeue also the Trueth/and set it not apart:
To thend ye may becom, a

Iohn. 3.a. Gal. 6.b. Ephe. 4.c.

New reformed Creature/

Through Iesus Christ, as Gods very Figure.
See that you haue thissame, alwayes before your Eyes.

Take you heede of all false Inticements, likewyse/
Which, a false Opinion, in you forth do bring.
Haue regarde vnto the worde, be not Weakned in that thing.
And ; in all your Knowledg; be likewyse

Eccl. 2.a.

humble and meeke.

Beholde/theare haue you the Lawe, and the Prophets [illeg.]eke/

Heere is the Booke geeuen to the hands of Cogitacions.

Which do teach and direct you, to the Waye of Trueth aright:

The Gospell doth testify, to you the Cleernes bright,
Which God ; to

Ioh. 14.c.

such as Loue Him; hath promysed for to giue.

Thus behaue you vprightly, and in this good State now liue.
For we wil go-on our Iorney, as our Waye doth vs gyde