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The ungloved fingers of dainty Spring
Are peeping from tree and shrub;
I see the flash of the blue-bird's wing,
Their welcome carol the robin's sing.
I hear their—rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Ha! What is the sound that smites mine ear?
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
The dull concussions approach more near—
Yes! over the river the drums I hear—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub,
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
All through the winter the shores were dumb,—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Now the sweet breath of spring has come,—
Horror of horrors! once more that drum!
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Talk of the rhyme of the “conduct-air.”—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
This would have made meek Moses swear,
And Job by hand fulls pull out his hair,—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Always the same old thumping chime!
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Rub a dub rub a dub goes my rhyme,
Rub a dub beat both legs in time,
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Mother is holding her splitting head,—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Baby sits bolt upright in bed,
Screeching as if to wake the dead,—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub!
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
What if a shotted gun they tried,—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
And swore that they wouldn't be denied.
Because they fired from the other side?
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Mayor of Cantabridge, what shall we do?
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Drummers are many and poets few;
Can't you make use of a halter or two?
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub,
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Or is there a—rub a dub—one could mix,—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Their goose to cook and their flint to fix
And send these drummers across the Styx—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
Do it, your Honor, we humbly pray,—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
They've murdered our ears in the shockingest way;
Where murderers go I needn't say—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub,
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!
But stave their drum-heads before they go—
Rub a dub rub dub dub!
Or they'll teach Old—rub a dub—down below
A trick of torture he mustn't know,—
Rub a dub rub a dub rub dub rub
Rub a dub dub dub DUB!