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Need Roommate(s) for 2 bedroom
apt. on J.P.A. Call 295-7820 after
6:00 p.m.

Female roommate wanted, private
bedroom, townhouse,
washer/dryer, poo, $88 per month,
call 977-5983.

Students seeking yard work,
housework, babysitting. Everything
negotiable. 977-6327.

Female roommate wanted to share
2-br. apt. Completely furnished.
Own room. Walking distance.
Parking area. Call 977823.

Roommate–Male in student
occupied dwelling. All rooms
furnished including kitchen, color
TV $60 a month includes utilities.
Phone: 295-2005 after 5:00 p.m. or

Executive Secretaries for major
insurance company. Openings
available March second and June
first. Call 973-8351.

Married graduate student couple
wanted for summer job with family
in Rhode Island. Mid-June through
Labor Day. Please call before 12
noon Mon-Fri. 296-2539 or