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'Dixie' Protest

'Dixie' Protest

A small number of blacks
carrying signs protesting the playing
of "Dixie" were allegedly harassed
by police during the VPI and
William and Mary game in Lane
Stadium, Saturday.

According to the Virginia Tech
Collegiate Times, the students held
up their signs when "Dixie" was
played before the game. They
lowered the signs as soon as the
game started even though there was
no one sitting behind them.

Later, police reportedly
attempted to take the signs
claiming that signs on sticks were
not allowed. The police left when it
was explained that the signs were
not on sticks. The article stated
that they returned 20 minutes later
to try to rip the signs up.

Other signs were pointed out
around the stadium and the police
were asked if they were being
discriminatory. They pointed to a
black policeman present as proof of
their non-discrimination.

A policeman then allegedly
grabbed one of the students and
tried to take him outside to talk to
him. After the other black students
jumped up and said that they all
would have to be taken, the police