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Ambitious couple to be foster
parents for emotionally disturbed
boy of 6 years of age, $60.00
monthly board. If interested
contact Madison County Welfare
Dept. 948-5521.

Wanted-a student to work several
hours a day in the Barracks Road
Shopping Center, Call David Carr

Recept-Secretary for one-girl office
near the grounds. Mon. thru Friday,
start immediately. $340.00 per
month. Call Art Keyser, Ivy Really,

Wanted Full-time secretary, prefer
high-speed stenographer but will
accept high-speed clerk typist. Must
plan on staying in Charlottesville at
least 2 years. Starting salary
depends on qualifications. Hospital
and pension plans. Phone Mr.
Birekhead 293-5176.

Army game tickets, call Dave,

Male help for nights weekends for
kitchen & dish washing. Apply in
person. Expresses 1202 W. Main.

Female student, working girl to
share 2 bedroom luxury apartment.
2 baths, carpeted, $100/mo. Linds
295-2943 evenings.