Board of Visitors minutes June 15, 2001 | ||
Joint meeting of the Finance Committee and the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee, June 1, 2001:
At its meeting in April, the BOV adopted a resolution assigning to the Finance Committee and the Student Affairs & Athletics Committee joint responsibility for evaluating the 2020 Task Force Report on Athletics.
The Chairs of the two Committees have developed the following plan of action, which has been approved by the Rector and the Executive Vice President:
- With staff support from Leonard Sandridge's office and the Athletics Department, the two Committees, jointly under direction of the two Chairs, will undertake an independent evaluation of the financial situation facing the two programs.
- The Finance Committee will be responsible for analyzing expense projections and potential efficiencies in the Athletics Department.
- The Student Affairs & Athletics Committee will perform an independent evaluation of (a) the opportunities for revenue enhancement over the next two to three years, and (b) the current level of scholarships and funding per sport. The revenue enhancement study will be led by Charlie Glazer under direction of the Chairs. Tim Robertson will be asked to assist in evaluating existing marketing programs and marketing and licensing opportunities. Gordon Rainey will take the lead on evaluating the current level of scholarships and funding per sport.
- The Chairs will meet with the leadership of the Virginia Student Aid Foundation to obtain their advice and verify their commitment to the longer term funding goals recommended by the Task Force.
- The University soon will be engaged in a national search for a new Athletic Director. The Chairs believe it is important for the BOV to set the objectives for Athletics and for those objectives to be implemented by the new AD.
- The foregoing evaluations will be completed in time to enable the Finance Committee and the Student Affairs & Athletics Committee to report to the BOV this summer.
Approved by Board of Visitors' Committees
WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors received the report of the Task Force on Athletics in April 2001 (the Report); and
WHEREAS, the Student Affairs and Athletics and Finance Committees of the Board (the Joint Committees) express their appreciation for the outstanding and innovative work of the Task Force; and
WHEREAS, the report has focused the attention of the University community on the important challenges facing intercollegiate athletics programs across the nation; and
WHEREAS, the Joint Committees have developed a Joint Work Plan and have conducted a preliminary review of the findings and recommendations included in the Report; and
WHEREAS, the Joint Committees conclude that they wish to preserve the Board's longstanding commitment to both academic excellence and excellence in all intercollegiate sports at the University;
RESOLVED that the Joint Work Plan presented to the Joint Committees is hereby approved; and
RESOLVED FURTHER that the Joint Committees ask the President to develop options to the recommendations in the Report including the establishment of endowments and other fundraising for non-revenue sports, that will ensure the long-term financial stability of the intercollegiate athletics programs at the University without tiering or eliminating any sports; and
RESOLVED FURTHER that the Joint Committees ask that the President provide on a regular basis reports to the Joint Committees on the Administration's progress in developing such options.
Approved by the Board of Visitors'
Finance and Student
Affairs and
Athletics Committees
Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr.
Board of Visitors minutes June 15, 2001 | ||