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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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City Treasurer.

Among the city officials none is more
highly esteemed than Mr. Charles H.
Walker our able treasurer. He was
born at Louisa Court House, spent his
boyhood days there. At the opening
of the Civil War he was too
young to enlist but later embued
with a patriotism which had been
kindled when the guns of the
South echoed over Fort Sumpter, and
having attained an age which permitted
him to enlist he hurried to the
front and entered the famous Mosby
Command. He served in many of the
noted Mosby raids and at the fight
of Berryville, August 13, 1864, he was
badly wounded. He came to this city
immediately after the war practically
unknown, but by close application to
business he gained promotion and in
1875 moved to Farquier county where
he entered the merchandise line for
himself and where he successfully conducted
business for twenty years. In
1893 he established in this city the Charlottesville
Hardware Company, now
the Walker, Carroll-Adams-Company.
In March 1901 he was appointed city
treasurer by Judge George W. Morris to
fill out the unexpired term of the late
Mr. John L. Walters. At the city
primary last September Mr. Walker
received the nomination of his party
and was elected.