University of Virginia Library


Lost: Keuffel & Esser slide rule in
leather case. Lost Tues. afternoon
probably along McCormick Rd.
Much sentimental value. Reward.
295-5340 ask for Pee.

Once upon a time (Nov. 18) in an
enchanted drugstore a professed
first year law student, abortion
authority, and "Jey" admirer
chanced upon a fair Madison
malden. Would that they should not
always remain nameless strangers,
call 295-8277.

Found: Man's wedding ring with
initials PCC to RDC, woman's
Movado wrist watch in Cabell Hall,
sterling ID bracelet with initials, &
Timex Cinderella wristwatch.
Identify in Newcomb Hall
Director's Office 924-3329.