University of Virginia Library


Page 13


Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier; subsequent
Imprisonment of the Author; his Sufferings, and
final Escape from the Castle of Perote, with Reflections
upon the present Political and probable future Relations
of Texas, Mexico, and the United States. By General
Thomas J. Green. Illustrated by Drawings taken from
Life by Charles M`Laughlin, a Fellow-prisoner. 8vo.
Muslin gilt. $2 00.

This work is one of startling and most absorbing interest; besides
being very graphic in description, it gives examples of personal and
moral courage and of fighting, such as brings back the remembrance of
the fields of Cressy and Agincourt, for odds in the encounters.—Anglo-American.

The history of the most thrilling incidents in the affairs of Texas, from
the pen of the leading actor, and in a style spirited, strong, and exciting.
It will be read with great avidity.—Evening Post.

A volume of romantic interest; it contains scenes and incidents connected
with the well-known expedition, involving a bloody struggle, and
gives us an insight into the character and conduct of men, which we read
with no little interest.—Evangelist.