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W. M. THORNTION, Professor of Mathematics Applied to Engineering.

CHARLES S. VENABLE, LL. D., Professor of Mathematics.

FRANCIS H. SMITH, M. A., LL. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy.

JOHN W. MALLET, Ph. D., M. D., LL. D., F. R. S., Professor of Chemistry.

F. P. DUNNINGTON, B. S., Professor of Analytical Chemistry.

WM. M. FONTAINE, M. A., Professor of Natural History and Geology.

JAMES S. MILLER, Instructor in Pure Mathematics and Physics.

This Department is designed to furnish intending, engineers thorough
and practical instruction in the principles of Engineering and the sciences
connected therewith. For this purpose, in addition to the Schools of
Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History and
Geology, and Analytical Chemistry, the School of Mathematics Applied
to Engineering has been established. For the first five Schools
the courses of instruction are given in detail in the Scientific Department.


Prof. Thornton.

The Course of Instruction in this School embraces the following
subjects. In each there is an elementary or Junior Course and an advanced
or Senior Course distinguished by numbers. In the Junior
courses only elementary mathematical methods are employed. In the
Senior courses use is made to a limited extent of Coordinate Geometry
and the Infinitesimal Calculus.

Projective—I.* Descriptive Geometry of the point the
plane and the straight line. Shades and Shadows on polyedra
nometric Projections.

2. Descriptive Geometry of curved surfaces. Shades and Shadows
on curved surfaces; Perspective Projections.

Geodesy.—I.* Lower Geodesy comprising the Theory and Use of
Field Instruments; General Methods and Fundamental Problems in
Field Engineering; Special Methods in Land, City, Topographic and
Hydrographic Surveying; Construction of Maps and Plans; Estimation
of Quantities.


Page 56

2. Higher Geodesy comprising the Theory of the Figure of the
Earth; Spheroidal Trigonometry; Measurement of Base Lines, Altitudes
and Azimuths; Reduction of Observations; Projections of Maps.

Mechanics.—I.* Statics of Rigid Solids, with applications to the design
of the simpler forms of Bridges, Roofs and Piers; Revetments,
Dams and Foundations.

2. Statics of Elastic Solids with applications to the theory of the
Strength and Stiffness of the elements of structures and machines.

Construction.—I.* Sources, uses, manufacture and properties of
Building Materials, with elementary Building Construction in Earth,
Concrete, Masonry, Timber and Iron.

2. Advanced Course in Building Construction, including the analysis
and design of Continuous Girders, Arches and Suspension Bridges.

Public Works.—I. Location, construction and maintenance of
Lines of Communication, including Highways.* Railways, Canals and
Canalized Rivers.

2.* Collection, conveyance, filtration and distribution of potable
water; drainage and sewerage of towns, and disposal of sewage; drainage
and irrigation of lands and reclamation of swamps.

Mining.—I. Location, classification and distribution of Ore Deposits;
Exploitation of the same; Extraction of the Ore; Mechanical
Preparation; Drainage, Ventilation and Lighting of Mines.

2. General theory of Energy and Power, its measurement by Dynamometers
and its regulation by Brakes, Accumulators, Governors
and Valves; Hydraulics, hydraulic motors and pumps; Thermodynamics,
steam and gas engines and blowers; Teledynamic, Hydraulic
and Pneumatic Transmission of Power; Proportions and Dimensions of
the Elements of Machines.

[The course in Mining is not required for the degree of C. E.; the course in Public Works
and the Senior course in Construction are not required for the degree of M. E. The courses
marked with * constitute the course in Agricultural Engineering.]


Page 57


Instruction in the foregoing subjects is conveyed by a course of systematic
lectures, combined with assiduous practice in the field and at
the drawing-board, continued throughout the course.

In the Lecture Course, after careful elucidation of fundamental
principles, the rules of construction are deduced, and applied to the
criticism of existing structures and the design of proposed works.
Typical examples are selected, based usually on engineering works in
course of actual construction; the loads upon these are determined,
the straining actions accurately computed, and the structures designed
complete in every detail.

In the Field Course the adjustments and use of the instruments are
carefully taught, and the student, after a thorough drill in the methods
of measuring and estimating lengths, altitudes and angles, is required
to execute for himself surveys of lands, buildings, and topography; to
locate lines for railways, highways and canals; and to set out earthworks
and masonry.

In the Course of Design the easy and accurate use of pen and brush
is first acquired by exercises in projective and topographic drawing.
The student is then required, from assigned data, to compute the dimensions
of proposed structures, and on the basis of his computations to
prepare bills of material, and general and detailed drawings of the
works; to draw up specifications and furnish estimates of quantities.

To facilitate the instruction in this department, the University has
provided a commodious and well-lighted lecture room and drawing
hall, a liberal supply of field instruments of the best construction, and
models and drawings of a large variety of structures, illustrating the
best practice of modern engineers, American and foreign.

The preparation essential for students who desire to enter this School
is a good working knowledge of the elements of Algebra, Geometry,
both Plane and Solid, and Plane Trigonometry. And in the course of
instruction elementary mathematical methods are mainly employed.
Nevertheless students of engineering are encouraged to take the complete
course in Pure Mathematics (p. 29) and those who acquire this
sound mathematical training will find their powers of dealing with the
more complex questions of their profession greatly augmented thereby.


Page 58


The requirements for the degrees of Civil Engineer and Mining
Engineer will be found elsewhere (p. 66.) By a well-trained and diligent
student either of these two courses can be completed in two sessions.
But in most cases the distribution of the work over three sessions
will be exceedingly advantageous, especially to students whose mathematical
training is imperfect. For the first-year course in any case
Junior Applied Mathematics, Junior and Intermediate Pure Mathematics
and Chemistry are recommended.


The necessary expenses of a student of Civil Engineering who proposes
to complete the course in two sessions are for each session of
nine months as follows:

University Fees— 
Matriculation,  $ 25 
Infirmary Fee, 
Dormitory Rent [two in a room],  15 
Tuition, [average charge]  100 
Total Fees,  $147 
Living Expenses— 
Fuel, Lights and Washing,  25 
Board at $12 a Month,  108 
Total necessary expenses (board at $12),  $280 
Payable on entrance,  $200 

The sum payable on entrance includes a contingent deposit of $10
which is credited in final settlement, and hence forms no part of the
necessary expenses. This deposit is assessed for damage to property,
violation of Library rules, and so on.

Virginians save $50 in tuition.

To the above total must be added the cost of books and stationery.

The board at $12 is plain but wholesome and abundant. Better
board can be had at $14, $16, $18 a month. At $18 the total necessary
expenses will be $334 of which $218 is payable on entrance.