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IUNE THE 14th 1619
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IUNE THE 14th 1619


Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Dudley Diggs.  Capt. Bingham.  mr Chambers. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  Capt. Bargraue.  mr Wheatley. 
Sr Tho: Gates.  Capt. Butler.  mr Shepherd. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  Capt. Brewster.  mr Kightley. 
Sr Io: Samms.  mr Dr Anthony.  mr Berblock. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Dr Gulson.  mr Caswell. 
mr fferrar Dpty mr Canñon.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Hen: Reignoldℯ.  mr Hen: Briggs.  mr Sparrowe. 
Capt. S. Argoll.  mr Wiseman.  mr El: Roberts etc. 

At this Court mr Iohn Wroth, mr Morris Abbott, mr Humphrey Hand-
ford mr Anthony Abdie mr Wm Essington and mr Thomas Keightley
were now sworne Auditors for the Virginia Company.

The Guift being now returned from Virginia and hauing brought ɫres
from Sr George Yeardley directed to Sr Edw: Sandis intimating the
sore voyage they had; being going thither from the 19th of Ianuary to
the 19th of Aprill following, In wch time there dyed 14 Landmen and
three seamen as also that two children was borne at sea, & dyed, and
at his there ariuall finding the Plantac̃on to be in great scarsity for
want of Corne, desired the Company to beare wth him, if ∥for∥ this
yeare he some thing neglected the planting of Tobacco, and followe
the sowing of Corne, where by the next yeare he hopes by the blessing
of God to raise such a Cropp thereof, that the said Plantac̃on shall
haue noe greate cause to complaine in hast of want. Other priuate
busines mr Thr̃er acquaynted the Court was specified in his L̃res,
wch is first to receaue the advise of the Counsell, and by their direcc̃ons
to reveale it to the Court.[6]


It was moued by mr Thr̃er, that the Generall Comittees should forth-
with meete for the setting out this shipp, and furnishing of her wth
good people to be sent to the Colledge and publique Land, wch hitherto
by defect thereof, the Plantac̃on hath beene much wronged: wch [14]
if the Court would put them in trust for the prouiding of such, they
would intreate the Gentlemen both of Country and Citty to helpe
them therewith. Wch moc̃on the Court comended and haue desired
mr Thr̃ers assistance therein.

The Counsell hauing mett according to order from the Last Court;
touching the appeal of Captaine Brewster against Captaine Samuell
Argoll, the Court hauing cleered one point concerning his Gouernor-
shipp, and the Counsell now approuing of the other for his tryall by
Marshall Lawe, holding Captaine Argoll not faulty therein, by reason
he proceeded and followed the example of his Predecessors, and the
Custome altogether vsed hetherto in that Plantac̃on, wch is likely to
continue till the standing orders for Virginia be made and enacted;
and he being tryed by a Marshall Court, the Counsell held it to be
the Noblest tryall being iudged by Souldiers and men of worth. But
forasmuch as it is obiected that the said Captaine Argoll proceeded
vnduely, Capt Brewster comitting noe crime worthy of death, and
being also alleaged that he was first condempned and afterward called
vnto his Answere, wch the Counsell and Court here cann not iudge of,
but is to be tryed there, where the euidence may be giuen; It was
therefore now ordered, that the said Appeale and Captaine Argolls
answere therevnto shalbe sent inclozed wthin a ɫre of the Companies
to Sr George Yeardley and the Counsell of State, and they to make
examinac̃on of the cause and returne Certificate thereof. An oath
was also exhibited by Captaine Brewster, wch was administred vnto
him in Virginia, wch is also agreed to be sent for informac̃on of the
truth thereof.

The Comittee by the Court appointed vpon the petic̃on of Captaine
Bargraue, touching the suite depending in Chauncery betwixt him and
some Adventurers of the Magazine, the same Comittee meeting at the
time and place appointed, and considering thereof hauing both bill


and answere, and the booke of the Orders of Courts, who pervsing
the same, and finding that Capt. Bargraue had 14 dayes respite for
giuing security to the Adventurers, and wth in six dayes the bargaine was
taken of his handes, for wch he was to allowe vnto the Adventurers,
—150li wth a promise that if it were sold for aboue ffiue shillings a pound,
he should haue the Ouerplus: but being all sold by some of the Ad-
venturers of the Magazine amongst themselues wth in two dayes after
at— iiijs ixd it was conceaued by the said Comittee, that the said Capt
Bargraue had much wrong offered therein: and therefore did see noe
reason why the Company should countenance this busines, but leaue
the Defendts to followe it; or to take the matter vp amongst themselues.
Wherevpon after some debating, being putt to the question whither
the Virginia Company should ioyne or noe in suite against Capt Bar-
graue wth the Defendants, It was agreed by erecc̃on of handℯ that not-
wthstanding any order to the contrary, the said Company should neither
ioyne nor assist the said Defendants herein. And that vpon Wedens-
day sevenight, when the said Adventurers of the Magazine doe meete,
it be putt vnto them to see likewise if they will vndertake the same.

[15] It was agreed that Mr Aldr̃an Iohnson, and the rest of the
Adventurers and Officers of the Magazine should be warned agaynst
Wedensday sevenight to meete at mr fferrars howse. and to haue the
Acco ready to be deliuered in vpon their Oath.

It was moued by mr. Thr̃er that the Court would take into considera-
c̃on to appoint a Comittie of choice Gentlemen, and other of his Mats
Counsell for Virginia concerning the Colledge; being a waighty busi-
nes, and so greate, that an Account of their proceedings therein must
be giuen to the State. Vpon §wch§ the Cort vpon deliberate considerac̃on
haue recom̃ended the care thereof vnto the Right wor Sr Dudley Diggs,
Sr Iohn Dãuers, Sr Nath: Rich, Sr Io: Wolstenholme, mr Deputy
fferrar, mr Dr Anthony, and mr Dr Gulson to meete at such time as
mr Treasuror shall giue order therevnto.

fforasmuch as the standing Lawes and orders concerning the governe-
ment of Virginia being finished by the Comittee to whome they were
recomended, and passed the seuerall Ceremonies according to the


orders of the Company, It was moued that the second Comittee for
the setling of Lawes & Magistracie might be summoned by the
Officer to meete at Sr Edwin Sandis his howse vpon ffriday morning
next at eight of the Clock, and there to devide the busines amongst
themselues as they shall see cause: Wch the Court thought very con-
venient, and haue allowed thereof.

Also vpon a moc̃on of the Susans voyage to be audited, and the com-
plaint of the Generallity in some abuse offred by the Ioint stock to be
rectified; The ordinary Auditors are warned to meete therevpon vpon
Munday morning at eight of the Clock at mr Treasurors howse.

It was agreed vpon the moc̃on of Sr Dudley Diggs and Sr Thomas
Gates vnto the Court about a Pattent to be graunted vnto sundry
Kentishmen, who would seate and plant themselues in Virginia, that
they should haue as Large priuiledges and imunities as is graunted to
any other in that kinde.

Vpon the petic̃on of Iohn Woodliefe gentleman (who disbursed
62—10—00 eleauen yeares since, and the like time spent in the Planta-
c̃on in the place of Ensigne[) ] to haue a Pattent graunted him and his
Associats whereon to plant the nomber of 200 persons to be trans-
ported into Virginia before the end of Six yeares next Coming, and to
haue the like priviledges to him and his Associats, in lieu aswell of his
said Adventure and personall allowance, as for other his Associats who
haue adventured of old: Wch the Court hath now graunted vnto him. [16]

Whereas vpon a former order, it was agreed to pay interest for a some
of mony in the Companies handℯ during the minority of one Katha-
rine Bath to whome the mony doth belong. The Court vpon better
considerac̃on now finding it not convenient to pay Interest haue agreed
to reverse the said order & to ∥pay∥ the mony where it is due.

The Court being acquaynted of one mr Robert Browne who adven-
tured wth the Lo: Lawarr 25li and went himselfe in person to Virginia,
and there dyed, haue now agreed wth the consent and liking of the


Lady Lawarr that the [said 25li][7] shalbe deducted out of the 500li adven-
ture of my Lordℯ, and so [that * * * * r][8] be giuen to the Bookeeper
for the defaulking of it out of the said 500li adventure, & passing it to
the said Robert Browne by a bill [of A]dventure in his owne name.
And moreouer haue agreed that for his personall Adventure he shall
(according to the orders of the Company) haue 100 Acres of Land.


This is probably the letter given in List of Records, No. 93, page 131, ante.


The manuscript is blotted so as to make this and the two following doubtful passages almost illegible.


Probably power or order.