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Biblical Literature B1: The literature to the destruction of the kingdoms
of Israel and Judah with special reference to historic background and sources.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature B1: Repeat Section: Will begin with the second
term and continue through the third term for the benefit of students needing to
take up new courses in those terms. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Mr. Coco.

Biblical Literature B2: The literature from beginning of the Babylonian
exile to the close of the New Testament. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature C1: Any two courses from the English Group prerequisite.—Comparative
literature. Ecclesiastes, Job, the Mosaic Law, and
Ezekiel's Ideal State in comparison with related masterpieces in English Literature
and translations into English.

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature C2: Any two B courses in Biblical Literature or Philosophy
—An investigation of the Jewish and Hellenistic elements entering
into the theology of Christianity during the first two centuries. (But one C
course will be given in 1931-32, the decision being left to a majority of the class
electing a C course in this school.

Professor Forrest.