University of Virginia Library


Economic Geography sB1-I: Elements of Geography: First Term.
8:30; M. H. 11. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

An introductory world-wide survey of the distribution and characteristics of the elements
of natural environments (climate, land forms, soils, surface and ground waters,
natural vegetation and mineral deposits) with particular reference to their influence on
the economic life of social groups.

Economic Geography sB1-II: Geography of North America: First
Term. 9:30; M. H. 11. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

A survey of the principal economic activities in each of the major geographic regions
of North America from the standpoint of their relation to the natural environmental complex.
Emphasis is placed on the regional equipment for industry in the several divisions
of the continent.

Economic Geography sB1-III: Commercial Geography: First Term.
10:30; M. H. 11. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Starnes.

A survey of present-day overseas commerce and transportation and an analysis of the
underlying geographic and economic principles as applied to the major commercial divisions
and trade regions of the world.