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I. Art.

Art B1: History of Art: The development of architecture, sculpture,
and painting in antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and modern
times, with an introduction to their elements and technique. Lectures,
reports.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Kimball.


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Art B2: Freehand Drawing: Expression of form by line and by
light and shade. Practice in drawing from the cast in pencil and in charcoal:
geometrical forms, ornament, the figure. Sketching out of doors
in pencil, pen, and wash.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mr.

Art B3: Painting: Art B2 prerequisite.—The rendering of color and
form. Practice in painting from still life and from nature in water colors
and in oils.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 Session-hours.) Mr. Makielski.

Art C1: Advanced Drawing and Painting: Art B2 and B3 prerequisite.—First
and second terms: Drawing and painting from the life. Third
term: Painting landscape and architectural subjects out of doors.

II. Architecture.

Architecture B1: Architectural Drawing; Elements of Construction
and Design:
Art B1 prerequisite.—Walls, mouldings, and openings, "the
orders," architectural rendering; preparation of scale drawings and details;
perspective. Lectures and drawing.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Professor Kimball and Mr. Makielski.

Architecture B2: Architectural Design: Architecture B1 prerequisite.
—Problems in the design of simple structures and of the elements of large
compositions. Sketch problems in the planning of more complex structures.
Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional lectures.
Fee, $40.[3] (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Drawing, 12
hours a week. Professor Kimball.

Architecture C1: Advanced Architectural Design: Architecture B1 and
B2 prerequisite.
—Problems in the design of complex structures and ensembles.
Sketch problems in the developed treatment of elements of architecture
and the allied arts. Individual criticism and discussion, with occasional
lectures. Fee, $40.[4] (Credit, 6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.)
Drawing, 18 hours a week. Professor Kimball.


This fee is included in the tuition fee paid by non-Virginians.


This fee is included in the tuition fee paid by non-Virginians.

III. Music.

Music B1: Musical History and Analysis: The development of music
from antiquity to the present time with typical examples of each
phase. Illustrations and analysis of works of the epoch makers, treating
of their style, influence and historic import. The development of musical
instruments and of the orchestra. Illustrated lectures. Collateral reading.
—(B.A., or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Fickenscher.

Music B2: Harmony and Counterpoint: Students taking this course
are required to have a preliminary knowledge of musical notation and
scale formation. Also to have or to acquire sufficient piano technique to
play simple chord successions. Harmonic relationships and their tendencies,
the building of chords, voice progressions, dissonances, suspensions,
sequences, anticipations, the pedal point and modulation. Subsequently
the introduction of simple counterpoint. In the early part of the course
two hours weekly will be devoted to ear training and tone dictation. Written


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examples which are discussed with the student, blackboard exercises
in classroom, playing from figured bass and from dictation.—(B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Fickenscher.

Music C1: Advanced Harmony and Counterpoint: Music B2 prerequisite.—(B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session hours.) Professor Fickenscher.

Music C2: Composition and Analysis: Music B2 and C1 prerequisite
(or may be taken concurrently with C1 by special arrangement). Construction
and drill in various rythmic and melodic forms. Their use in
sections, phrases and periods. Construction of song and dance forms;
the study of these and also larger forms, including the sonata form,
through the works of the masters. Blackboard exercises in the classroom,
and written examples which are discussed with the student. Professor

Music C3: Ensemble Course: Music B1 or B2 prerequisite.

a. Concerted playing of Chamber Music. Representative sonatas,
trios, quartets, quintets, etc., by classical and modern masters used as
material for study. One hour a week—to be arranged.

b. Orchestral playing. Training in conducting, study of scores, and
principles by which conductors should be guided in the selection and performance
of orchestral works. (Pianists must either study some orchestral
instrument concurrently or must take choral drill.) Admission to Music
C3 only to students who have acquired the requisite proficiency on the
piano or some orchestral instrument. One hour a week—to be arranged.

Technical Courses.—Technical training under special instructors in
Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, 'Cello, and Singing. University students may
arrange for tuition in these branches at a reduction in rates by application
to Professor Fickénscher.

Choral Singing.—One rehearsal a week. Three concerts during the
Academic year. Study of part songs and other choral works of various
masters from the Netherland School to the present day.

Orchestra.—One hour a week—to be arranged.

Concerts.a. A series of six concerts by artists of international reputation
at moderate prices gives opportunity for extended musical knowledge
and appreciation.

b. A series of sixteen ensemble recitals by the faculty of the Music
Department affords opportunity for intimate acquaintance with the best
in musical literature and through familiarity to become intelligent in
appreciation of the masters.

c. Three concerts by the Albemarle Choral Club.

History and Environment.—The work offered re-establishes the instruction
outlined in the first curriculum of the University, 1818, the earliest
proposal for instruction in art, architecture, and music in any American university.
An unrivalled background is provided for it by the buildings and environment
of Charlottesville; the University group, with its old buildings specially
designed to furnish examples of the various orders "as specimens
for the architectural lecturer," its new buildings designed by Stanford
White; the works of sculpture by Houdon, Ezekiel, Bitter, Borglum, Keck,


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Shrady, and Aitken; the concerts and exhibitions of paintings brought to
the University with part of the income of the McIntire fund.

Equipment.—The School of Fine Arts has its headquarters in the
building at the south end of West Range, which has been specially adapted
to its use. It comprises a lecture, concert, and exhibition hall, architectural
draughting rooms, dark rooms and offices. A large studio for
freehand drawing and painting is located in Cabell Hall. For concerts
requiring large seating capacity Cabell Hall itself is available, and also the
new classic open-air amphitheatre given to the University by Paul Goodloe
McIntire, of the Class of 1879.

Since the foundation of the School the University has already acquired
the nucleus of an important collection of works of art, to supplement
the considerable number of fine portraits and other paintings in its
possession. As a gift from Hon. John Barton Payne it has received a
large collection of etchings, engravings and lithographs, including numerous
and important examples of the work of Rembrandt, Whistler, Haden,
Turner, Legros, Zorn and other masters, and admirably illustrating the
history and processes of the graphic arts. An important canvas ascribed
to Rubens has just been presented by John Armstrong Chaloner, Esq.

For the current work in Art and Architecture there is generous provision
of casts, books, photographs and lantern slides. The casts include
geometrical models, motives of ornamentation, architectural elements,
elements of the figure, and a number of full figures from the antique,
as well as fine modern figures. Beside the books on the history of
art and on construction kept at the University Library, an exceptional
departmental collection of works valuable for reference in
architectural design and detailing, is housed in direct connection with the
draughting rooms. Among the numerous important sets of folios are the
Grands Prix de Rome, Médailles des Concours d'architecture, Monuments
antiques, Fragments antiques, Edifices de Rome moderne, The Georgian
Period, Work of McKim, Mead, and White, etc., etc. These are supplemented
by some three thousand photographs, and by a collection of
five thousand lantern slides, as well as by a number of envoi drawings by
former holders of the Roman Prize and the Rotch Travelling Scholarship.

For Music, the school has two concert grand pianos for its use in the
classroom and for ensemble recitals, a double bass and kettle drums for
the use of students in the orchestra, lantern slides illustrating ancient
instruments and a comprehensive library of chamber music, orchestral
scores and parts, operas, and piano classics, as well as books of reference
on musical subjects and collateral reading, which latter are kept in the
University Library.

There are also available for the Music Department a two-manual
Skinner organ in Cabell Hall and a new three-manual Moeller organ in
connection with the McIntire amphitheatre.