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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[I love to drop in summer on the grass]

I love to drop in summer on the grass
& with unwearied eye mark pleasing things
To see the gadding swallow gaily pass
Crumping the quiet lake with dipping wings
& list the restless cuckoo while it sings
In distant trees—& nigh hand in the wood
That skirts its shadow oer my mossy seat
I love that pleasant russling noise to meet
That tells of happiness with more then me
Of fluttering linnets this years summer brood
That 'scaped the schoolboys eye & fly to greet
Their happy parent hasting home with food
As I do love such pleasing things to see
& in ones thoughts such pleasures to repeat