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[Giver of repentance, Thee]

Giver of repentance, Thee
My Lord I long to prove,
O vouchsafe the grace to me,
The grief of contrite love:
Sunk in sin, to Thee I pray
Exalted on Thy glorious throne;
Saviour, Prince, Thy power display,
And break my heart of stone.


Waits my heart insensible
Thy mercy's power to know,
Cast the pitying look, and fill
My soul with sacred woe;
Then I to my Lord shall turn,
And conscious of the blood applied
Look on Him I pierced, and mourn
With Jesus crucified.
Thus my few remaining days
I would in sorrow spend,
Trampler on the God of grace
And murderer of my Friend;
Weeping till my Friend appears,
By Him, but not myself forgiven,
Till He wipes away my tears,
And comforts me in heaven.