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Tofts and Margarita.

Musick has learnt the Discords of the State,
And Consorts jar with Whig and Tory Hate.
Here Devonshire and Somerset attend
The British Tofts, and ev'ry Note commend;
To native Merit just, and pleas'd to see
We've Roman Arts from Roman Bondage free.
There fam'd L'Epine does equal Skill imploy,
While list'ning Peers croud to th'extatick Joy.
B---d to hear her Song his Dice forsakes,
And N---m's transported when she shakes:
Lull'd Statesmen melt away their drousy Cares
Of England's Safety in Italian Airs.
Who would not send each Post blank Passes o'er,
Rather than keep such Strangers from our Shore?