University of Virginia Library


[Who now the water can deny]

Can any man forbid water, that these should, &c. —x. 47.

Who now the water can deny
To those that have in Christ believed,
And found their Father in the sky,
And God the Holy Ghost received?
Who can forbid the sacred use
Of what the Lord did once enjoin,
Or argue from the dire abuse
Against the ordinance Divine?


“But by the Holy Ghost baptized,
The truth, the substance we possess,
And need the outward sign be prized
By us, who know the inward grace?”
Yes; for He bids the wash'd with blood
Be sprinkled with the water too,
Who was himself inspired of God,
Who all the mind of Jesus knew.
If then ye have the Spirit known,
Ye Christians unbaptized submit
Your Lord's authority to own,
And lay your reason at His feet:
Obedience is the sacrifice
He waits from Christians to receive:
Obey; and gain Divine supplies,
And fill'd with all His fulness live.
Saviour of all, lay to Thine hand,
The veil from upright hearts remove,
Which will not let them understand
The true intention of Thy love:
Of water and the Spirit born,
May all Thy saints in one agree,
With songs of joy to God return,
And face to face Thy glory see.