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Medulla Poetarum Romanorum

Or, the Most Beautiful and Instructive Passages of the Roman Poets. Being a Collection, (Disposed under proper Heads,) Of such Descriptions, Allusions, Comparisons, Characters, and Sentiments, as may best serve to shew the Religion, Learning, Politicks, Arts, Customs, Opinions, Manners, and Circumstances of the Antients. With Translations of the same in English Verse. By Mr. Henry Baker

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Stiff with Eternal Ice, and hid in Snow,
That fell a thousand Centuries agoe,
The Mountain stands: nor can the rising Sun
Unfix her Frosts, and teach them how to run.
Deep, as the dark Infernal Waters lie,
From the bright Regions of the chearful Sky,
So far the proud ascending Rocks invade
Heav'n's upper Realms, and cast a dreadful Shade:
No Spring, nor Summer, on the Mountain seen,
Smiles with gay Fruits, or with delightful Green;
But hoary Winter, unadorn'd, and bare,
Dwells in the dire Retreat, and freezes there.
There she assembles all her blackest Storms,
And the rude Hail in rattling Tempests forms:
Thither the loud tumultuous Winds resort,
And on the Mountain keep their boist'rous Court,
That in thick Show'rs her rocky Summit shrowds,
And darkens all the broken View with Clouds.—

Addison. Sil. Ital. Lib. III.


From Steep to Steep the Troops advanc'd with Pain,
In hopes at last the topmost Cliff to gain:
But still by new Ascents the Mountain grew,
And a fresh Toil presented to their View.—

Id. Ibid.


The Alps.