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The Character.
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The Character.

Martilla 's prudent, wise, discreet,
For a Queen's Privy-Council fit;
Calm and serene; her Features sweet,
Her Judgment strong, and sharp her Wit.
Her Breast no ruffled Passion knows,
No angry Furrows on her Brows:


No pining Envy, servile Fear
E'er met with a Reception here.
But glorious Virtue fills her Mind,
And all that's good in Woman-kind.
Masia is lovely, young and fair,
Her Aspect charming, mild her Air;
Sweet Modesty, that blushing Grace,
Reigns triumphant in her Face:
She is all Innocence and Love,
The Darling of the Gods above.
Grippina's courteous, brisk and kind;
Her Face declares her easy Mind:
She's always gen'rous, bold and true,
What's mean she cannot, will not do.
Whene'er she sings all silent are,
None dare their Tunes with hers compare;
The feather'd Songsters of the Air
Correct their erring Notes by her.
Where three such Nymphs are to be found,
Sure it is hallow'd, sacred Ground:
And Temples may erected be,
For all to worship there with thee.