University of Virginia Library



It was the Day of Pentecost!
On Mary shone the Holy Ghost.
For they had raised her to a throne:
They loved her as their very own—
All of His flock, not only John,
Each of the Twelve she looked upon.
She was not clad in Ophir's gold;
She was most lovely to behold.
To her who still God's will had done
Beseemed the habit of a nun;
And of her meekness she was clad
In a long, snowy robe she had.
They were all of one accord
Offering the Body of the Lord.
And there was upon her knee
A little book of prophecy.
The shadow of a Dove astir,
And a great light spread over her.
That shadow on the open book
Was of our Lady not mistook.


She answered; for it was the call
She should be mother to us all.
And while a sudden tempest tossed
And shook the air, her breast she crossed.
And while they spake in tongues of flame,
She bowed herself, she breathed His name.
And, of that Holy Power, began
At once to intercede for Man.
And as in days of Nazareth,
A lovely Rosary she saith
Of His obedience unto Death.
So humble that her prayers avail,
Though the temptations that assail
Be unto death. Sweet Mary, hail!