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There's joy in the Lowlands and Highlands,
There's joy in the hut and the ha';
The pride o' auld Britain's fair islands
Is woo'd and wedded an' a';


She's got the dear lad o' her choosing—
A lad that's baith gallant and braw;
And lang may the knot be a-loosing
That firmly has buckled the twa.
Woo'd and wedded an' a',
Buckled and bedded an' a';
The loveliest lassie in Britain
Is woo'd and wedded an' a'.
May heaven's all-bountiful Giver
Shower down his best gifts on the twa;
May love round their couch ever hover,
Their hearts closer and closer to draw.
May never misfortune o'ertake them,
Nor blast o' adversity blaw:
But every new morning awake them
To pleasures unsullied as snaw.
Woo'd and wedded an' a', &c.
Then here's to our Queen an' her Marrow,
May happiness ay be their fa',
May discord and sickness and sorrow
Be banished for ever their ha'.
So, fy let us coup aff our bicker,
And toast meikle joy to the twa,
And may they, till life's latest flicker,
Together in harmony draw.
Woo'd and wedded an' a', &c.