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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.” —Psalm, xxxvi. 9.

There is a life, more dear
Than that which by our outward breath we live;
There is a light more clear
And glorious than the noon-day sun can give.


Deep, deep the heart within,
By grace divine this life is first begot;
Though man, enthrall'd by sin,
In its first breathings, stirrings, knows it not.
In the awaken'd mind
This light first dawns, a faint and glimm'ring ray;
But, to its glory blind,
Man from its gentle radiance turns away.
Thou only, Lord! canst give
The light wherein, alone, Thy light we see;
And teach us how to live
An inward life still hid with Christ in Thee.
That so each gift and grace
Bestow'd by Thee its Giver may recall;
And each believer trace
In Thee the Fount of Life, of Light, of All.