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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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As thus, with a trouble he could not command,
He paused, crumpling the letters he held in his hand,
‘You know me enough,’ she continued, ‘or what
‘I would say is, you yet recollect (do you not,
‘Lord Alfred?) enough of my nature, to know
‘That these pledges of what was perhaps long ago
‘A foolish affection, I do not recall
‘From those motives of prudence which actuate all
‘Or most women, when their love ceases. Indeed
‘If you have such a doubt, to dispel it I need
‘But remind you that ten years these letters have rested
‘Unreclaim'd in your hands, nor should I have suggested
‘Their return, if I had not, from all that I hear,
‘Fear'd those letters might now (might they not?) interfere
‘With the peace of another.’