University of Virginia Library

ODE VII. To Pompeius Varus.


Pompey! with Me to utmost Dangers driven,
When we in Brutus' Army fought,
My first of Friends! what Power has brought
Thee to thy Country's Gods and native Heaven?



With whom, in Mirth and Wine, the tardy Day
(While Oyl of Syria, round my Head,
Its grateful, precious Fragrance spread),
So oft has glided unperceiv'd away.


With whom (unmindful of my little Shield)
I fled from dire Philippi's Plain,
When Valour fail'd; when Threats were vain;
And our bold Chiefs lay bleeding on the Field.


With Terror wing'd, I fled thro' hostile Arms,
Hid in a Cloud, which Hermes gave;
But Thee the furious refluent Wave
Again drove back to all the War's Alarms.


Pay then to Jove the promis'd Feast, nor spare
The hoarded Casks, for Thee design'd;
And, in my Laurel's Shade reclin'd,
Repose thy Limbs, fatigu'd by Length of War.



Fill up the polish'd Bowl with generous Wine;
From copious Shells rich Odors shed:
Who now, to crown the glowing Head,
Will Wreaths of Parsley or of Myrtle twine?


Who, nam'd by Venus, at the jovial Board
The Laws of drinking shall prescribe?
I, madder than the Thracian Tribe,
Rejoice to revell for a Friend restor'd.
J. D.