University of Virginia Library


[Let me behold thy reconciled Face]

Let me behold thy reconciled Face,
Refresh my Soul with Influence of Grace;
Draw nigh dear Lord, vouchsafe a kind Embrace.
Let thy bless'd Mouth, comfort me while I live,
No angry Words, but peaceful Kisses give:
Bestow on me, O God, who seek thy Face,
Quickning, comforting, and confirming Grace.
I'm ignorant of all revealed Truth,
Till I receive my Knowledge from thy Mouth:


In vain, O Lord, thy pious Pastors preach,
(Man's Voice no further than the Ear doth reach)
Unless thy Spirit powerfully me teach.
The Shinings of thy Face is what I crave,
O come, let me a long Love Visit have:
O manifest thy self to me, sweet Lord,
Some signal Favours to my Soul afford.
Thy common Favours can't my Fears remove,
O give some special Tokens of thy Love.
See how the ravish'd Spouse her Lord admires,
'Tis Fellowship with Jesus she desires:
What ere we love, we long for to possess,
'Tis that will please the Soul, and nothing less.
Th'ambitious longs to propogate his Fame,
Courts vain Applause; and struggles for a Name.
The Worldling longs and toils for gilded Dust;
The Wanton longs to satisfie his Lust:
The Hypocrite seeks Gifts, the Saint seeks Grace;
Long for the Shinings of their Saviour's Face.
Mercies which evidence God's special Care,
Is still the Burthen of their fervent Prayer:
It is not Pomp and Riches they desire,
Not glittering Gold; but Grace do they require.
They scorn the Honours of this earthly Ball;
One Kiss from Christ's fair Mouth excels them all:


His Kisses makes the dying Sinner whole;
They're healing Balsoms to a wounded Soul.
Sav'd are all those, to whom a Kiss is given;
The Soul that's kiss'd on Earth is crown'd in Heaven.
Strangers to God, no manly Pleasures know;
But steep'd in dregy dull Delights below:
Ne'er taste Loves Streams, which from a Saviour flow.
What though the Glutton furnish out a Feast,
With ev'ry Creature which was Noah's Guest;
And let it be with richest Wine enjoy'd,
The Pleasures gone assoon's the Stomach's cloy'd.
To Saints alone a real Feast is giv'n,
Who's Sins are pardon'd by the God of Heav'n:
Who's Souls disdain the Earth and soar above,
Who's Hearts are fill'd, and fir'd with divine Love.
Christ doth comfort Believers with a Kiss;
Souls out of Christ are unacquaint with this:
Christ's Pardon's often sealed with a Kiss,
The certain Pledge of everlasting Bliss.
And when assur'd, they're pardon'd all their Sins,
The Law Works past, and Gospel Peace begins;
They enjoy the Shinings of a Saviour's Face,
And feel the bless'd Effects and Riches of his Grace.
Yes, holy Souls, acquaint with Christ can tell,
His Kiss is sweet, his Love doth Wine excel.