University of Virginia Library

To Eliza,

inviting me to her Wedding.

Had You your charms resign'd
To Him who loves you best,
The summons had been kind,
And I completely blest.
Those tender words, “Prepare
“For bliss so long delay'd,”
An age of black despair
At once had overpay'd.
But, doom'd to Rival arms,
You mock your Lover's smart;
A Dance your blood alarms,
A Ribbon fires your heart:
Tho' clogg'd with Fool and Debt,
The dear Estate you prize;
And view without regret
The Martyr of your eyes.
But I; can I behold
The Heav'n I must forego?


And grace, like Slaves of old,
The triumph of my Foe?
You will not give delight;
And would you add to pain?
Your hate improves to spite;
To malice your disdain.
Yet, Tyrant, in your turn,
The stroke of justice, due
To cruelty and scorn,
Perhaps may humble You.
In Honour's school untaught,
Your Sot may go astray,
And You, like me, be brought
To curse your Wedding-day.