University of Virginia Library

The .lxiiij. Psalme.

In my complaynt Lorde heare my voyce, & hearken to my crie:
And preserue my lyfe frō the feare, of the fierce enimie.
Lorde, hyde me from the counsell of men that are vngodly:
And frō the vprores of such men, as do worcke wyckedly.
For these men do sharpen theyr tonges, euen as they were sharpe swordes:
And as wyth a bowe that is bent, they shote forth bytter wordes.
That they may hurte men priuily whose lyfe is innocent:
And stryke and wounde them sodenly, not feareynge to be shent.
They make themselfe stronge in mischiefe and studie snares to hyde:
And then they saye thus wyth themselues, howe can these thynges be spyed.
They do imagyne wyckenes, & kepe it in couerte:

Eche man hydeth hys mischiefe in the bottō of hys herte.
But God shall stryke them sodenly, euen wyth a sharpe arrowe:
Wherby they shall be sore wounded, & pearsed quite thorowe.
Yea theyr owne tonges shall make them fall, and be as men forlorne:
Then shall as many asse them laugh and dryue them to scorne.
All men shall se this thynge I saye, & shall boldly confesse:
That goddes owne hande hath done this dede, to punishe wyckednes.
But the iuste shall reioyse & trust, in God the Lord only:
And all that be of vpright hert, shall ioye excedyngly.