The South English Legendary | ||
De sancta Maria Egiptiaka
Seinte Marie Giptiake in Egipte was ibore
Al hure ȝonge lif he[o] ladde in sunne and in hore
Uneþe he[o] was twelf ȝer old er he[o] gonne do folie
Hure body and al hure wille take [] to sunne & lecherie
Þer on he[o] hadde so gret delit þat in hure owe londe
He[o] nemiȝte noȝt al fol hure wille þo gan he[o] vnderstonde
And wende to þe lond of Elisandre & þere wonede longe
Alle þat wiþ hure sunegi wolde gladlich heo wolde auonge
Al hure ȝonge lif he[o] ladde in sunne and in hore
Uneþe he[o] was twelf ȝer old er he[o] gonne do folie
Hure body and al hure wille take [] to sunne & lecherie
Þer on he[o] hadde so gret delit þat in hure owe londe
He[o] nemiȝte noȝt al fol hure wille þo gan he[o] vnderstonde
And wende to þe lond of Elisandre & þere wonede longe
Alle þat wiþ hure sunegi wolde gladlich heo wolde auonge
He[o] ne sparede Leinte ne oþer time preost ne oþer non
Sik ne pouere ne wedded mon þat he[o] ne let to hure gon
Men þat none wille nadde þulke sunne to do
Wiþ fair wordes and fol semlant he[o] broȝte þerto
No mester mon non nas inis mester so prest ne so queinte
Þat he[o] nas to bringe men in sunne queintore in ech pointe
Sik ne pouere ne wedded mon þat he[o] ne let to hure gon
Men þat none wille nadde þulke sunne to do
Wiþ fair wordes and fol semlant he[o] broȝte þerto
No mester mon non nas inis mester so prest ne so queinte
He[o] ne tok for þulke dede of noman mede ne winne
For non ne ssolde for defaute bileue þe voule sunne
Oþer mede bote hure voule wille he[o] ne wilneþ of noman
Mid spinnynge & mid souwinge hure lif lode heo wan
Hit is sunne & ssame to eny mon to þenche oþer to wite
Þe voule dede and þe wrecche sunne þat we vyndeþ of hure iwrite
For non ne ssolde for defaute bileue þe voule sunne
Oþer mede bote hure voule wille he[o] ne wilneþ of noman
Mid spinnynge & mid souwinge hure lif lode heo wan
Hit is sunne & ssame to eny mon to þenche oþer to wite
Þe voule dede and þe wrecche sunne þat we vyndeþ of hure iwrite
For also he[o] sede hure sulf þat ssame it was to hure
So muche sunne an eorþe ido of eny creature
And þat þe eorþe yopened nadde as he[o] hure sulf gan telle
And iswolwe as heo ȝeode an eorþe into þe put of helle
Such fol lif heo ladde in Alisandre ȝeres seuentene,
Þet so muche vil dede of a womman nas neuere iseie ich wene
So muche sunne an eorþe ido of eny creature
And þat þe eorþe yopened nadde as he[o] hure sulf gan telle
And iswolwe as heo ȝeode an eorþe into þe put of helle
Such fol lif heo ladde in Alisandre ȝeres seuentene,
Þet so muche vil dede of a womman nas neuere iseie ich wene
Up a dai in haruest as þis womman bihuld aboute
Muche volk he[o] sei bi þe wey & of hom gret route
Hure þoȝte he[o] was so iknowe in Alisandre in ech ende
Þe lasse hant he[o] hadde of folie þanne he[o] wolde wende
He[o] þoȝte amang stronge men so many as ich ise[o]
Muche ich may of mi wille habbe wiþ hom ichelle be[o]
Among hom he[o] com & esste of hom wuderward hi þoȝte
Hy seide hy wolde to Ierusalem & þe holi rode hi soȝte
Þat ssolde þe Holirodeday echmon issowed be[o]
And þat moni godman þuder wolde to honuri þat swete tre[o]
Muche volk he[o] sei bi þe wey & of hom gret route
Hure þoȝte he[o] was so iknowe in Alisandre in ech ende
Þe lasse hant he[o] hadde of folie þanne he[o] wolde wende
He[o] þoȝte amang stronge men so many as ich ise[o]
Muche ich may of mi wille habbe wiþ hom ichelle be[o]
Among hom he[o] com & esste of hom wuderward hi þoȝte
Hy seide hy wolde to Ierusalem & þe holi rode hi soȝte
Þat ssolde þe Holirodeday echmon issowed be[o]
And þat moni godman þuder wolde to honuri þat swete tre[o]
Mot ich quaþ þis womman þo mid ȝou þuder wende
And of myster þat ich habbe ileorned ichelle be[o] ȝou prest & hende
Ȝe sede on ȝif þou miȝt aquiti þi ssipes hure
Oure companie worþ amended muche of a such creature
Nabbe ich he[o] sede oþer moneie bote mi sulue her
Ichelle be[o] corteis of þat ich habbe aȝen þe mariner
To him and to ȝou also ichelle be[o] prest and hende
Þat it ne ssel ȝou ofþenche noȝt þei ich wiþ ȝou wende
Þis womman wende forþ wiþ hom wiþ gret sunne alas
To eche þat wolde do folie and redi euere he[o] was
And of myster þat ich habbe ileorned ichelle be[o] ȝou prest & hende
Ȝe sede on ȝif þou miȝt aquiti þi ssipes hure
Oure companie worþ amended muche of a such creature
Ichelle be[o] corteis of þat ich habbe aȝen þe mariner
To him and to ȝou also ichelle be[o] prest and hende
Þat it ne ssel ȝou ofþenche noȝt þei ich wiþ ȝou wende
Þis womman wende forþ wiþ hom wiþ gret sunne alas
To eche þat wolde do folie and redi euere he[o] was
Þo he[o] com to þe se atte ferste þinge
Þe mariner he[o] ȝaf al hure body to lede hure ouer & bringe
To þe mariner & to alle his and to alle oþere þat þer were
Prest heo was to sungy he[o] nadde þerof no fere
Ou Iesus muche is þi miȝte muche þoledestou þere
Þat water oþer ssip hom wolde bere þat hi adronke nere
Ȝyf eny was þat for drede [n]olde þulke sunne do
Mid fol semlant & faire wordes he[o] broȝte hom þerto
Þe mariner he[o] ȝaf al hure body to lede hure ouer & bringe
To þe mariner & to alle his and to alle oþere þat þer were
Prest heo was to sungy he[o] nadde þerof no fere
Ou Iesus muche is þi miȝte muche þoledestou þere
Þat water oþer ssip hom wolde bere þat hi adronke nere
Ȝyf eny was þat for drede [n]olde þulke sunne do
Mid fol semlant & faire wordes he[o] broȝte hom þerto
Touore þe Holy Rode day to Ierusalem he[o] com
Alle þat fol dede wolde do gladliche he[o] þer nom
Þo þe Holy Rode day com þat me ssewede þat swete tre[o]
Monymon to þe temple ȝeode þe swete rode to se[o]
Þo Marie wiþ oþer was to þe temple dore icome
He[o] nemiȝte a uot þer inne wende hure miȝte hure was binome
Hure þoȝte wanne he[o] wolde in gon þat me hure aȝen drou
For among al oþere he[o] stod wiþoute ofssamed sore inou
Alle þat fol dede wolde do gladliche he[o] þer nom
Þo þe Holy Rode day com þat me ssewede þat swete tre[o]
Monymon to þe temple ȝeode þe swete rode to se[o]
Þo Marie wiþ oþer was to þe temple dore icome
He[o] nemiȝte a uot þer inne wende hure miȝte hure was binome
Hure þoȝte wanne he[o] wolde in gon þat me hure aȝen drou
For among al oþere he[o] stod wiþoute ofssamed sore inou
He[o] ȝeode in estward & hure þoȝte þat me hure aȝen pulte
He[o] wep for ssame & biþoȝte þat it was for hure gulte
Into an hurne he[o] wende al one fram hure veren alle
He[o] sei an ymage of oure Leuedy ipeint þere in a walle
He wep and fel adoun akne[o] Leuedi he[o] sede þin ore
Sunfol womman ich habbe ibe[o] so nel ich namore
Þe sunnen þat ich habbe ido hy me riweþ sore
Ȝif me grace hom to bete þoru Holy Churches lore
Ȝif me grace in to go þe swete rode to ise[o]
Þoru grace of him and of þe betere womman ichelle be[o]
Mi sunfol lyf ich uorsake and mi sunfol dede
In clannesse icholle and in penance mi lif herafter lede
He[o] wep for ssame & biþoȝte þat it was for hure gulte
Into an hurne he[o] wende al one fram hure veren alle
He[o] sei an ymage of oure Leuedy ipeint þere in a walle
He wep and fel adoun akne[o] Leuedi he[o] sede þin ore
Sunfol womman ich habbe ibe[o] so nel ich namore
Þe sunnen þat ich habbe ido hy me riweþ sore
Ȝif me grace hom to bete þoru Holy Churches lore
Ȝif me grace in to go þe swete rode to ise[o]
Mi sunfol lyf ich uorsake and mi sunfol dede
In clannesse icholle and in penance mi lif herafter lede
Þo he[o] hadde to þulke ymage ycrid longe & ibede
Mildeliche wiþ caruol heorte he[o] ȝeode out of þe stude
He[o] ȝeode to þe temple dore sore he[o] was ȝute adrad
Wiþou[t]e destorbance in he[o] ȝeode wel he[o] was glad
He[o] ȝeode in touore þe holy rode & þo he[o] hure miȝte ise[o]
Sore wepinge he[o] cride þeron and fel adoun akne[o]
Forȝifnesse he[o] bad of hure sunne þe rode þat is so swete
Þe worles blisse he[o] forsok hure sunnes to bete
Mildeliche wiþ caruol heorte he[o] ȝeode out of þe stude
He[o] ȝeode to þe temple dore sore he[o] was ȝute adrad
Wiþou[t]e destorbance in he[o] ȝeode wel he[o] was glad
He[o] ȝeode in touore þe holy rode & þo he[o] hure miȝte ise[o]
Sore wepinge he[o] cride þeron and fel adoun akne[o]
Forȝifnesse he[o] bad of hure sunne þe rode þat is so swete
Þe worles blisse he[o] forsok hure sunnes to bete
Ofte he custe þe pauement þat þe rode hadde on istonde
To oure Leuedy ymage he[o] wende aȝen wepinge & wrong hure honde
Þer miȝte echman deol ise[o] wo so of pite couþe
Of deol and sorwe þat he[o] made mid herte & mid mouþe
He[o] bad oure Leuedi þat he[o] hure teiȝte ȝif it were hure wille
Ware he[o] miȝte hure sunne bete priueliche and stille
He[o] ne sei noþing ac hurde a uois þat þeos wordes sede
Flum Iordan passe & þou schelt [] in pes þi lyf lede
To oure Leuedy ymage he[o] wende aȝen wepinge & wrong hure honde
Þer miȝte echman deol ise[o] wo so of pite couþe
Of deol and sorwe þat he[o] made mid herte & mid mouþe
He[o] bad oure Leuedi þat he[o] hure teiȝte ȝif it were hure wille
Ware he[o] miȝte hure sunne bete priueliche and stille
He[o] ne sei noþing ac hurde a uois þat þeos wordes sede
Flum Iordan passe & þou schelt [] in pes þi lyf lede
He[o] þoȝte þat þis was ised to hure & for hure gode
He[o] ros up and þonkede oure Leuedy & þe swete rode
Byuore none touward þe water he[o] wende of Iordan
Hure beden he[o] bad and bi þe wey sone he[o] mette a man
Þat þreo ronde panes hure ȝaf he[o] nuste war [he] bicom
Þer wiþ heo boȝte hure loues þre[o] & wiþ hure alle nom
He[o] ros up and þonkede oure Leuedy & þe swete rode
Byuore none touward þe water he[o] wende of Iordan
Hure beden he[o] bad and bi þe wey sone he[o] mette a man
Þat þreo ronde panes hure ȝaf he[o] nuste war [he] bicom
Þer wiþ heo boȝte hure loues þre[o] & wiþ hure alle nom
He[o] com to þe water of Iordan a lite ar it were eue
In sein Iones chapel þe Baptist al niȝt he[o] gan bileue
He[o] let hure ssriue and houseli wel clene þoru Godes grace
In þe water of Iordan he woss hure in þe place
Amorwe he[o] carf a lof atwo & het him haluendel
And dronk of þe water of Iordan & made a muri mel
Heo wende into wildernesse ouer þe water of Iordan
Þere he[o] bileuede mony a ȝer þat he[o] ne sey best ne man
In sein Iones chapel þe Baptist al niȝt he[o] gan bileue
In þe water of Iordan he woss hure in þe place
Amorwe he[o] carf a lof atwo & het him haluendel
And dronk of þe water of Iordan & made a muri mel
Heo wende into wildernesse ouer þe water of Iordan
Þere he[o] bileuede mony a ȝer þat he[o] ne sey best ne man
Þe tweie loues and an half þat he[o] wiþ hure nom
Bicom so hard so eny ston þo he[o] ouer þe water com
Þer bi he[o] liuede in wildernesse ȝeres seuentene
Hure cloþes rotede & felle hure fram cloutmele in þe grene
Ȝute he[o] lyuede twenti ȝer after þe seuentene biuore
Þat he[o] ne et no mannes mete bote weod and more
Bicom so hard so eny ston þo he[o] ouer þe water com
Þer bi he[o] liuede in wildernesse ȝeres seuentene
Hure cloþes rotede & felle hure fram cloutmele in þe grene
Ȝute he[o] lyuede twenti ȝer after þe seuentene biuore
Þat he[o] ne et no mannes mete bote weod and more
Þe wile oȝt of hure loues laste he[o] was ofte & sore
Yvonded of hure flesses wille þoru þe deueles lore
Of longed after mete & drinke and eke after weode
And ofte þoȝte of lecherie also hure sulf sede
Ac þo [heo] ne et bote weod & more of al þe twenti ȝer
He[o] nas enes of fleissis wille yfonded as he[o] was er
Of mete ne of drinke ne of fol dede of hote ne of colde
Ne þoȝte on noþing bote on God as he[o] hure sulf tolde
Of al þe seuene & þritti ȝer þat he[o] lyuede þere
He[o] ne sei best ne voul ne man bote in sixe & þrittiþe ȝere
A mon[k] com to hure ar he deide as oure bok deþ lere
Vor oure Louerd wolde þat hure lyf among mankunne were
Yvonded of hure flesses wille þoru þe deueles lore
Of longed after mete & drinke and eke after weode
And ofte þoȝte of lecherie also hure sulf sede
Ac þo [heo] ne et bote weod & more of al þe twenti ȝer
He[o] nas enes of fleissis wille yfonded as he[o] was er
Of mete ne of drinke ne of fol dede of hote ne of colde
Ne þoȝte on noþing bote on God as he[o] hure sulf tolde
Of al þe seuene & þritti ȝer þat he[o] lyuede þere
He[o] ne sei best ne voul ne man bote in sixe & þrittiþe ȝere
A mon[k] com to hure ar he deide as oure bok deþ lere
Vor oure Louerd wolde þat hure lyf among mankunne were
An abbei þer was in Paleis of ordre swuþe stronge
Hore ȝet faste was ymad al þen ȝer longe
For no monk ne ssolde out go þe worles wele to se[o]
Þe verste Soneday in Leinte yopened it ssolde be[o]
For eche monk ssolde þulke day be[o] yhouseled & issriue
And nyme blessinge and orison & also his bilyue
And wende al one in wildernesse euerich inis ende
To bete hore sunne ac hi ssolde to Ester alle hom wende
Hore ȝet faste was ymad al þen ȝer longe
For no monk ne ssolde out go þe worles wele to se[o]
Þe verste Soneday in Leinte yopened it ssolde be[o]
For eche monk ssolde þulke day be[o] yhouseled & issriue
And wende al one in wildernesse euerich inis ende
To bete hore sunne ac hi ssolde to Ester alle hom wende
An holyman þer was inne þat het frere Zozime
Þat triweliche is ordre held as it fel to eche tyme
So sone so þe ȝet yopened was and þat Leinte com
He wende him forþ and þane wey to ward Iordan com
Þo he þat water ypassed hadde ver he wende & longe
Þat he ne sei noþer best ne man confort of to auonge
Þer inne twenti dawes ac euere in hope he was
Þat oure Louerd him wolde som miracle ssowe oþer of som uair cas
Þat triweliche is ordre held as it fel to eche tyme
So sone so þe ȝet yopened was and þat Leinte com
He wende him forþ and þane wey to ward Iordan com
Þo he þat water ypassed hadde ver he wende & longe
Þat he ne sei noþer best ne man confort of to auonge
Þer inne twenti dawes ac euere in hope he was
Þat oure Louerd him wolde som miracle ssowe oþer of som uair cas
Þen twentiþe day aboute non akne[o] he sat adoun
He turnde estward as he was iwond & sede is oryson
In is riȝt side he þoȝte he sey in a wilde stude & deorne
As þei it a mannes ssade were ligge plat in an hurne
He dradde þat it foul wiȝt were he blessede him anon
Þo werþ he hardiore in God ner he gan gon
He turnde estward as he was iwond & sede is oryson
In is riȝt side he þoȝte he sey in a wilde stude & deorne
As þei it a mannes ssade were ligge plat in an hurne
He dradde þat it foul wiȝt were he blessede him anon
Þo werþ he hardiore in God ner he gan gon
Þo þoȝte him þat it a womman was naked & swuþe broun
As he[o] was wiþ sonne ibrend plat ileiȝe adoun
Hure her was hor & swuþe wiȝt as þei it were wolle
Þunne & ssort þat it wolde vnneþe helie hure scolle
Þo was þis monk swuþe glad for [he] nadde nanne man
Iseie suþþe he passede [] þat water of Iordan
As he[o] was wiþ sonne ibrend plat ileiȝe adoun
Hure her was hor & swuþe wiȝt as þei it were wolle
Þunne & ssort þat it wolde vnneþe helie hure scolle
Þo was þis monk swuþe glad for [he] nadde nanne man
Iseie suþþe he passede [] þat water of Iordan
Touward þis womman he gan go þis woman up aros
And orn estward faste inou sore þis monk agros
Ac naþeles he orn after ward & þis womman euere biuore
Þis monk so weri yorne nas suþþe he was ibore
Abid he sede wy flucstou me þat am wiþoute miȝte
Old an[d] feble ne dred þou noȝt for y nemay noȝt fiȝte
Nolde þis womman wiþ him speke þo gan he wepe sore
After ward so longe he orn þat he nemiȝte a fot more
And orn estward faste inou sore þis monk agros
Ac naþeles he orn after ward & þis womman euere biuore
Þis monk so weri yorne nas suþþe he was ibore
Abid he sede wy flucstou me þat am wiþoute miȝte
Old an[d] feble ne dred þou noȝt for y nemay noȝt fiȝte
Nolde þis womman wiþ him speke þo gan he wepe sore
After ward so longe he orn þat he nemiȝte a fot more
Þo stod he & cride & wep womman he seide þin ore
Haue reuþe of me & speke wiþ me som wat of Godes lore
Ȝif þou ert a Godes half womman of fleiss & felle
Ich coniuri þat þou abide and of þi stat me telle
Haue reuþe of me & speke wiþ me som wat of Godes lore
Ȝif þou ert a Godes half womman of fleiss & felle
Ich coniuri þat þou abide and of þi stat me telle
Þo bigan þis womman speke frere Zozime þin ore he[o] sede
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich þe abide for ich am wiþoute wede
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich ssowe þe oþer wymmen to ssende
Mi licame wanne ich naked am ac let me awei wende
Þis monk weop and cride ȝeorne nolde he fini noȝt
For he[o] vond is name anon he dradde inis þoȝt
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich þe abide for ich am wiþoute wede
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich ssowe þe oþer wymmen to ssende
Mi licame wanne ich naked am ac let me awei wende
Þis monk weop and cride ȝeorne nolde he fini noȝt
For he[o] vond is name anon he dradde inis þoȝt
Þis womman sede ȝif þou wolt iwite wat ich be[o]
Cast me somwat to hele me wiþ & an orison bidde for me
Wiþ gode herte þis monk hure caste a lite wede anon
Ware wiþ heo helede hure durne limes þo gan he[o] ner gon
Cast me somwat to hele me wiþ & an orison bidde for me
Wiþ gode herte þis monk hure caste a lite wede anon
Ware wiþ heo helede hure durne limes þo gan he[o] ner gon
Frere Zozime he[o] sede wy wilnestou a sunfol womman to se[o]
Grante me þat ich mote wiþ þe in þi beden be[o]
Grante me þat ich mote wiþ þe in þi beden be[o]
Þis monk vel adoun akneo & heo aȝen him also
Ore eiþer bede oþer blessi him ac hore noþer it nolde do
As hi leie bitwene hom longe o word hy ne sede
Bote blesse þou me ac blesse þou me þis monk swatte for drede
Ore eiþer bede oþer blessi him ac hore noþer it nolde do
As hi leie bitwene hom longe o word hy ne sede
Bote blesse þou me ac blesse þou me þis monk swatte for drede
Þis womman sede iblessed be[o] God þat bringeþ soule bote
Ȝe quaþ þe monk & God us grante þat we þerof parti mote
Þis womman þo hy were arise to þe monk he[o] sede
Frere Zozime wo gan þe hider to a such wrecche lede
Hou is þe stat of Holy Churche iloked and Cristendom
Hou is it of þe heþene prince þat hor stat hom bynom
Ȝe quaþ þe monk & God us grante þat we þerof parti mote
Þis womman þo hy were arise to þe monk he[o] sede
Frere Zozime wo gan þe hider to a such wrecche lede
Hou is þe stat of Holy Churche iloked and Cristendom
Hou is it of þe heþene prince þat hor stat hom bynom
Leue moder þe mo[n]k sede þe betere it is for þine bede
Holy Churche & Cristendom iloked in ech stude
Bidde for me for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þis womman sede for þou ert prest þou sselt bidde for me
Ac þat ich vnbocsom ne be[o] iseie þei ich sunfol be[o]
Ichelle bidde for þe leue vader anon þou sselt ise[o]
Holy Churche & Cristendom iloked in ech stude
Bidde for me for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þis womman sede for þou ert prest þou sselt bidde for me
Ac þat ich vnbocsom ne be[o] iseie þei ich sunfol be[o]
Ichelle bidde for þe leue vader anon þou sselt ise[o]
Þis womman turnde hure estward akneo he[o] sat adoun
Hure eiȝene & honde he[o] biheld up & sede hure orison
Anon so he[o] bigan hure orison anon me miȝte ise[o]
Fram þe eorþe he[o] was up ihoue þe heinesse of fet þre[o]
Þer he[o] houede stilleliche as he[o] were wiþoute breþe
He[o] ne wawede lime non bote it were hure lippe vnneþe
Ware wiþ he[o] sede hure orison & noþing up here ber
Bote oure swete Lou[er]des grace vair miracle was þer
Hure eiȝene & honde he[o] biheld up & sede hure orison
Anon so he[o] bigan hure orison anon me miȝte ise[o]
Fram þe eorþe he[o] was up ihoue þe heinesse of fet þre[o]
Þer he[o] houede stilleliche as he[o] were wiþoute breþe
He[o] ne wawede lime non bote it were hure lippe vnneþe
Ware wiþ he[o] sede hure orison & noþing up here ber
Bote oure swete Lou[er]des grace vair miracle was þer
Þis monk stod and biþoȝte him in gret wonder was & fere
He ne huld hure noȝt womman ac trowede þat it som gost were
Vor he[o] houede so aboue ac after hure orison
Þis holi gost wel stilleliche to þe eorþe liȝte adoun
He ne huld hure noȝt womman ac trowede þat it som gost were
Vor he[o] houede so aboue ac after hure orison
Þis holi gost wel stilleliche to þe eorþe liȝte adoun
Leoue fader he[o] sede wat is þe wy hastou wonder þoȝt
Ich am womman of sunfol vlesse gost nam ich noȝt
Ich am womman of sunfol vlesse gost nam ich noȝt
Moder þin ore quaþ þis monk & fel adoun akne[o]
To ssewy oure swete Louerdes miȝte þi lif tel þou me
To ssewy oure swete Louerdes miȝte þi lif tel þou me
Þis holy womman nom him up leue fader he[o] sede
Hit is ssame iseo oþer to hure of my sunfol dede
Ac for þou iseie me naked also ichelle of my sunne make me bar
Þat þou for ssunnesse of mi dede of sunne be[o] euere iwar
Ac so voul beoþ mine sunfol dede bote God þe ȝiue is grace
Wanne þou ham hurst fle[o] þou wolt for sunnes of þis place
Ac naþeles fader bidde for me þat God it me forȝiue
Ich hopie it be[o] Godes wille þat ich beo of þe issriue
Hit is ssame iseo oþer to hure of my sunfol dede
Ac for þou iseie me naked also ichelle of my sunne make me bar
Þat þou for ssunnesse of mi dede of sunne be[o] euere iwar
Ac so voul beoþ mine sunfol dede bote God þe ȝiue is grace
Ac naþeles fader bidde for me þat God it me forȝiue
Ich hopie it be[o] Godes wille þat ich beo of þe issriue
Þo gan he[o] telle al hure dede to þis frere Zozyme
Þat he[o] dude suþþe he[o] was ibore euere for[te] þulke tyme
Leoue vader he[o] sede for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þat þou her of noman ne ssewe ar þat ich ded be[o]
Ac go hom & led clene lif as þou hast er ido
Þis time eft a twelf monþe com hider to me also
Vor þat ȝoure ordre is such þat ech monk ssel out go
Þe verste Soneday of Leinte ac þou ne sselt noȝt so
Þei þou haddest wille out to go þe netit miȝte non
Ac a Ssere Þoresday is eue hider þou sselt gon
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod hider bring wiþ þe
Þat ich enes ar ich deiȝe yhouseled mowe be[o]
Þe time þat oure swete Louerd a Ssere Þoresday at eue
Amang is deciples made is cene þat þou it noȝt bileue
For y nas noȝt ihouseled suþþe ich passede Iordan
Þat is nou sixe & þritti ȝer ne neuere eft ne sei ich man
Do þis þat ich þe habbe ibede leue vader Zozime
And blesse me for ich parti mot for it is al tyme
Þat he[o] dude suþþe he[o] was ibore euere for[te] þulke tyme
Leoue vader he[o] sede for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þat þou her of noman ne ssewe ar þat ich ded be[o]
Ac go hom & led clene lif as þou hast er ido
Þis time eft a twelf monþe com hider to me also
Vor þat ȝoure ordre is such þat ech monk ssel out go
Þe verste Soneday of Leinte ac þou ne sselt noȝt so
Þei þou haddest wille out to go þe netit miȝte non
Ac a Ssere Þoresday is eue hider þou sselt gon
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod hider bring wiþ þe
Þat ich enes ar ich deiȝe yhouseled mowe be[o]
Þe time þat oure swete Louerd a Ssere Þoresday at eue
Amang is deciples made is cene þat þou it noȝt bileue
For y nas noȝt ihouseled suþþe ich passede Iordan
Þat is nou sixe & þritti ȝer ne neuere eft ne sei ich man
Do þis þat ich þe habbe ibede leue vader Zozime
And blesse me for ich parti mot for it is al tyme
Þo þe monk hure hade iblessed estward he[o] gan gon
Þe monk custe þe wei þer heo ȝeode þo he nesey oþer won
Ȝeorne he byhuld afterward þe wile he hure miȝte ise[o]
Þo he ne say hure namore wepinge he gan hom te[o]
Þo he com hom in penance clene lif he gan lede
Of al þat he hadde out ifonde [] noþing he ne sede
Ac ar þe ȝer were ido him þoȝte swuþe longe
Þat he miȝte of þis holy þing som confort eft auonge
Þe monk custe þe wei þer heo ȝeode þo he nesey oþer won
Ȝeorne he byhuld afterward þe wile he hure miȝte ise[o]
Þo he ne say hure namore wepinge he gan hom te[o]
Þo he com hom in penance clene lif he gan lede
Of al þat he hadde out ifonde [] noþing he ne sede
Ac ar þe ȝer were ido him þoȝte swuþe longe
Þat he miȝte of þis holy þing som confort eft auonge
Þo Leinte com þat euerich monk wende out inis side
A strong feuere nom þis frere Zozime þat he moste atom abide
Þo þoȝte he on þat holy word þat Marie sede er
And þei he wolde out wende he ne ssolde habbe poer
As he[o] sede is feuere him held forte Ssere Þoresday eue
Anon so he was hol he wende forþ he nolde leng bileue
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod he nom to Iurdan þene wei nom
So þat a Ssereþoresday anone þuder he com
Ac he ne miȝte finde no ssip [] him ouer forto lede
He bihuld ouerward al wepinge and bad oure Louerd him rede
Þo þoȝte he on þat holy word þat Marie sede er
And þei he wolde out wende he ne ssolde habbe poer
As he[o] sede is feuere him held forte Ssere Þoresday eue
Anon so he was hol he wende forþ he nolde leng bileue
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod he nom to Iurdan þene wei nom
So þat a Ssereþoresday anone þuder he com
Ac he ne miȝte finde no ssip [] him ouer forto lede
He bihuld ouerward al wepinge and bad oure Louerd him rede
Alas he sede wiþoute ssip hou ssolle we togadere wende
He biheld ouer ȝif oure Louerd wolde eny grace him sende
Þo sey he Marie in þe oþer half of þe water stonde
He huld up is honde & fel akneo & þonkede Godes sonde
Þo Marie hadde iblessed þat water mid hure honde
Al drie he ȝeode upe þe water as it were a drie londe
He biheld ouer ȝif oure Louerd wolde eny grace him sende
Þo sey he Marie in þe oþer half of þe water stonde
He huld up is honde & fel akneo & þonkede Godes sonde
Þo Marie hadde iblessed þat water mid hure honde
Al drie he ȝeode upe þe water as it were a drie londe
He orn and ne watte neuere a to wel briȝte þe mone sson
Þis monk wolde aȝen hure kneole þo he[o] com to him gon
Stond up he[o] sede þou ert preost kneoli ne sseltou noȝt
For reuerence of holy þing þat þou hast wiþ þe ibroȝt
Ac leue vader blesse me for y nemay noȝt abide longe
Bidde for me þat ich be[o] worþe þat holy þing auonge
Þis womman sat adoun akne[o] to oure Louerd he[o] gan crie
And sede hure Crede & Pater Noster & hure Aue Marie
Þo gan he[o] to cusse pes and sede an orison
And nom oure Lou[er]des vleiss and blod wiþ gret deuocion
Louerd he[o] sede þere afterward ȝif it be[o] þi wille
Nou þou sselt þi ssulchene bileue in pes wel stille
For myn eien habbeþ iseie nou þis swete miȝte
And oure hele þat þou ȝarked hast al mankunne to liȝte
Þis monk wolde aȝen hure kneole þo he[o] com to him gon
Stond up he[o] sede þou ert preost kneoli ne sseltou noȝt
For reuerence of holy þing þat þou hast wiþ þe ibroȝt
Ac leue vader blesse me for y nemay noȝt abide longe
Bidde for me þat ich be[o] worþe þat holy þing auonge
Þis womman sat adoun akne[o] to oure Louerd he[o] gan crie
And sede hure Crede & Pater Noster & hure Aue Marie
Þo gan he[o] to cusse pes and sede an orison
And nom oure Lou[er]des vleiss and blod wiþ gret deuocion
Louerd he[o] sede þere afterward ȝif it be[o] þi wille
Nou þou sselt þi ssulchene bileue in pes wel stille
For myn eien habbeþ iseie nou þis swete miȝte
Frere Zozime heo sede God þe for ȝelde þat þou wost hider gon
Bidde for me & for my sunne & wend hamward anon
And anoþer ȝer þis tyme loke þat þou to me wende
And oure Louerd wole bi þulke daie oþer tiþinge of me sende
Haue goday mi leue vader aȝen ich mot anon
Oure Louerd wolde quaþ þis monk þat ich miȝte wiþ þe gon
Bidde for me ȝif it is þi wille & for Holy Churche
And for alle Cristene men þat hy mote oure Louerdes wille werche
Bidde for me & for my sunne & wend hamward anon
And anoþer ȝer þis tyme loke þat þou to me wende
And oure Louerd wole bi þulke daie oþer tiþinge of me sende
Haue goday mi leue vader aȝen ich mot anon
Oure Louerd wolde quaþ þis monk þat ich miȝte wiþ þe gon
Bidde for me ȝif it is þi wille & for Holy Churche
And for alle Cristene men þat hy mote oure Louerdes wille werche
Marie blessede þat water al drie he ȝeode aboue
Moni miracle oure Louerd deþ for mancunne loue
Þe niþe day of Aueril þeos miracle was ido
Þat Marie and frere Zozime mid weop partede ato
Þis monk bihuld afterward ac þo he nesei hure namore
To is abbey he wende aȝen wepinge wel sore
Worst him was for he nuste wat hure name was
And þat he hure nadde yasked ofte he sede alas
Longe him þoȝte ar þulke ȝer were ibroȝt to ende
Anon so Leinte was icome aȝen he gan wende
Þat water he passede of Iordan in wildernesse wel wide
He ȝeode þat he wery was for he nadde ware on ride
He nemiȝte þis womman nawer iseo awater ne alonde
He nolde noȝt fine ar he come þere he hure ferst fonde
Þo he þer ne fonde hure noȝt he gan to weope sore
For he nuste woderward gon hure to seche more
As he lokede touward þen est him þoȝte he isey
As þei it a briȝt sonne were in þe eir houe anhey
Þuder he ȝeode in gret ioie for him þoȝte þerof wonder
Þis womman he vond ligge ded in a dich þer vnder
Hure heued iturnd estward þis monk wep wel sore
At hure vet he uel adoun nemiȝte he stonde namore
So sore he wep þat he woss hure vet [] wiþ teres of is eiȝe
And euere houede þis clere liȝt ouer hure wel heiȝe
Moni miracle oure Louerd deþ for mancunne loue
Þe niþe day of Aueril þeos miracle was ido
Þat Marie and frere Zozime mid weop partede ato
Þis monk bihuld afterward ac þo he nesei hure namore
To is abbey he wende aȝen wepinge wel sore
Worst him was for he nuste wat hure name was
And þat he hure nadde yasked ofte he sede alas
Longe him þoȝte ar þulke ȝer were ibroȝt to ende
Anon so Leinte was icome aȝen he gan wende
Þat water he passede of Iordan in wildernesse wel wide
He ȝeode þat he wery was for he nadde ware on ride
He nemiȝte þis womman nawer iseo awater ne alonde
He nolde noȝt fine ar he come þere he hure ferst fonde
Þo he þer ne fonde hure noȝt he gan to weope sore
For he nuste woderward gon hure to seche more
As he lokede touward þen est him þoȝte he isey
As þei it a briȝt sonne were in þe eir houe anhey
Þuder he ȝeode in gret ioie for him þoȝte þerof wonder
Þis womman he vond ligge ded in a dich þer vnder
Hure heued iturnd estward þis monk wep wel sore
At hure vet he uel adoun nemiȝte he stonde namore
And euere houede þis clere liȝt ouer hure wel heiȝe
Þis monk nuste wat he miȝte do wiþ þis holy bodi þere
And mest him ofþoȝte þat he nuste wat hure name were
Þer biside he say a writ he nom it up inis hond
Þe wordes þat ichelle nou segge þer on iwrite he vond
Frere Zozime bure þat body of þe wrecche Marie
And bidde God þat he hure forȝiue hure sunne & folie
Þat deide anon after hure housel þe niþe day of Aueril
Ȝiue hure þe eorþe þat to hure biualþ & þanne [haþ] heo hure wil
And mest him ofþoȝte þat he nuste wat hure name were
Þer biside he say a writ he nom it up inis hond
Þe wordes þat ichelle nou segge þer on iwrite he vond
Frere Zozime bure þat body of þe wrecche Marie
And bidde God þat he hure forȝiue hure sunne & folie
Þat deide anon after hure housel þe niþe day of Aueril
Ȝiue hure þe eorþe þat to hure biualþ & þanne [haþ] heo hure wil
Glad was þis monk þat he weste wat he ssolde do
Mid þis holy body þat þere lay & wat heo het also
& gret ioye he hadde of þe miracle þo he gan þe writ rede
Þat twelf monþe heo hadde ded ileie as þis holi writ sede
Þat he[o] anon as he[o] was ihouseled biȝende þe flum Iordan
Deide þere in wildernesse þat so uer was fram man
And þat he[o] ȝeode biuore hure deþ in þe stonde of a day
As muche as he in twenti dawes þere as he[o] ded lay
Mid þis holy body þat þere lay & wat heo het also
& gret ioye he hadde of þe miracle þo he gan þe writ rede
Þat twelf monþe heo hadde ded ileie as þis holi writ sede
Þat he[o] anon as he[o] was ihouseled biȝende þe flum Iordan
Deide þere in wildernesse þat so uer was fram man
And þat he[o] ȝeode biuore hure deþ in þe stonde of a day
As muche as he in twenti dawes þere as he[o] ded lay
And [hou] hure put miȝte be[o] maked gret care wiþ alle he hadde
For þe eorþe was hard & he was old & none spade he nadde
Ac naþeles a staf he vond þat sserp was atte ende
Þer wiþ he dalf ac lite he miȝte þe eorþe þer wiþ wende
For he was feble of fastynge & of trauail also
Þo sei he a lion þis bodi licke & al þer aboute go
Sore was þis monk adrad þo he sei þis best gon
And for Marie him sede er þat he[o] ne sei þer neuere non
And for it was a steorne best he blessede him for doute
Þe lion wiþ heued & wiþ body gan to him aloute
For þe eorþe was hard & he was old & none spade he nadde
Ac naþeles a staf he vond þat sserp was atte ende
Þer wiþ he dalf ac lite he miȝte þe eorþe þer wiþ wende
For he was feble of fastynge & of trauail also
Þo sei he a lion þis bodi licke & al þer aboute go
Sore was þis monk adrad þo he sei þis best gon
And for Marie him sede er þat he[o] ne sei þer neuere non
And for it was a steorne best he blessede him for doute
Þe lion wiþ heued & wiþ body gan to him aloute
Þo was þis monk hardi anon to þis lion he sede
For þou ert fram God isend com help me to þis dede
Þat þis put were wel ymad þo þe lion hurde þis
Mildeliche þis put he ssrapede euene & noȝt amis
For acordaunt of þis holy body in lengþe & eche in brede
Euene he formede þisne put wiþoute eny misdede
Þo þis put was ymad þis monk and þis lion
Mildeliche nome þis holy body & leide it þeron adoun
For þou ert fram God isend com help me to þis dede
Þat þis put were wel ymad þo þe lion hurde þis
For acordaunt of þis holy body in lengþe & eche in brede
Euene he formede þisne put wiþoute eny misdede
Þo þis put was ymad þis monk and þis lion
Mildeliche nome þis holy body & leide it þeron adoun
Hi nadde noȝt waron hure wynde bote a pece þer was bileued
Of þe wede ware wiþ heo hadde hure deorne limes biweued
Þer wiþ hi helede wat hi miȝte & caste eorþe hure aboue
Þis holyman & þis best & burede hure wiþ gret loue
Þo þat þis holy body ibured was þis lion ȝeode is wey
And þis monk wel mildeliche aȝen to is abbey
His breþeren he tolde clanliche al þat he vond oute
And let write þis holy womman lif and despupli al aboute
Þus seinte Marie Egiptiake out of hure fol dede
Turnde to heue[n]riche blisse þoru penance þat he[o] gan lede
Of þe wede ware wiþ heo hadde hure deorne limes biweued
Þer wiþ hi helede wat hi miȝte & caste eorþe hure aboue
Þis holyman & þis best & burede hure wiþ gret loue
Þo þat þis holy body ibured was þis lion ȝeode is wey
And þis monk wel mildeliche aȝen to is abbey
His breþeren he tolde clanliche al þat he vond oute
And let write þis holy womman lif and despupli al aboute
Þus seinte Marie Egiptiake out of hure fol dede
Turnde to heue[n]riche blisse þoru penance þat he[o] gan lede
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