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The Works of Edmund Spenser

A Variorum Edition: Edited by Edwin Greenlaw: Charles Grosvenor Osgood: Frederick Morgan Padelford: Ray Heffner

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[Vpon a hill I saw a kindled flame]

Vpon a hill I saw a kindled flame,
Mounting like waues with triple point to heauen,
Which of incense of precious Ceder tree
With Balmelike odor did perfume the aire.
A bird all white, well fetherd on hir winges
Hereout did flie vp to the throne of Gods,
And singing with most plesant melodie
She climbed vp to heauen in the smoke.
Of this faire fire the faire dispersed rayes
Threw forth abrode a thousand shining leames,
When sodain dropping of a golden shoure
Gan quench the glystering flame. O greuous chaunge!
That which erstwhile so pleasaunt scent did yelde,
Of Sulphure now did breathe corrupted smel.