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[O stealing time the subject of delaie]
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[O stealing time the subject of delaie]

O stealing time the subject of delaie,
(Delay, the racke of unrefrain'd desire)
What strange dessein hast thou my hopes to staie
My hopes which do but to mine owne aspire?


Mine owne? ô word on whose sweete sound doth pray
My greedy soule, with gripe of inward fire:
Thy title great, I justlie chalenge may,
Since in such phrase his faith he did attire.
O time, become the chariot of my joyes:
As thou drawest on, so let my blisse draw neere.
Each moment lost, part of my hap destroyes:
Thou art the father of occasion deare:
Joyne with thy sonne, to ease my long annoy's.
In speedie helpe, thanke worthie frends appeare.