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Songs of Sion

Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe]

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The fift speach.

Christ speakes still.


O novve my loue I haue thee sought,
And brought thee frō the lands
I haue the led in bands of grace
From out the curse, & bands.


To me from all parts of the earth
I vvill the giude, & call,
& quite thou shalt be frō the bands
Of them that did thee thrall.


Who once did vexe, & greeue thee sore
In bane, in bloud, in vvoe,
But I vvill set thee safe from them,
And rid thee from thy foe.


For thou my hart hast caught with loue
One cast of thy faire eie
Of faith I meane doth vvound my hart
which made me faint, & die


Christ speakes still.


All svveets the vvorld can yeald to me
Are banes to thy svveet smell,
Thou art my spouse, in life, & death
The graue shall not thee quell.


The vvords vvhich from thy lipps doe droppe
When thou dost pray, or praise.
Are farre more svveet to me then svveets
That sunne doth see by dayes


Thou art a spring to me shutt vp
A vvell seald by my ring,
Frō vvhēce doth flowe pure streams of loue
To me thy lord, & king.