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1. The Exercise of Divine Patience.
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1. The Exercise of Divine Patience.

Patience now on the Stage as rich Plate run
Is scoured bright, till she out shines the sun
With Wisp and Sand of Pride and Passion, stumps
Of surliness, unmortified Lumps
Of Adams race, Chips of the old old block
That grinde and rub, yea some of better stock
Well stockt with grace in Churches rich of glory
As well as Prelates proude (more sad the story)
Make such a Fume and dust that cloude the sphere
Through which the sun of Patience's shines most clear.
Old Jeroms Pen peake out these painting lines
Saying Paul and Peter canted with the times

in Comm. on Gal. 2.

Young Austin brisk prickt in the heart by this
Affronts the pen that thus did trudge amiss,
As making sacred inke to patronize
To its own overthrow. Officious Lies.
The good old man's blood boiles at this, his heele
Arm'd gamster like with Crooked spurs of steele
Doth gag the youngster till he fights no more
But onely sighs My Salve would better cure.


The Lungs those blankets of the heart do finde
Themselves blown bladder like up with the Winde
Of Pride that russles in the heart untill
It blow the wildfire up from nature's kill
That blessed Light Constantinople had
Famous Chrysostom, good mens joy, but bad
Who unto holy Lives were cursed foes
Found him a sharp reproover and offt throws
His Rod of Discipline and frowns on Clarks
That vicious are, yea and his Zealous sparks


Drop on the Sins of all, the Nobles and
The Courtiers, yea the Emp'ress feel his hand
Fall on their sins, at which their stomachs rise
And envie seeke to pluck out's tongue and Eyes.
Theophilus of Alexandria
Makes Satans bellows hellish blasts display
To blow this Light out, others too are bent
Untill he's banisht: Such a foist hell vents.


At Ephesus a grievous brawl arose
Choosing a Pastor, part do part oppose
And so reject what ever Choice is made
Untill Heracles his choice the franzy laid.


Theophilus of Alexandria
Chrysostoms deadly foe flies quite away
From truth he taught when he this truth did fame
That God is not of humane shape or frame
Which did offend th'Egyptian Clownish munks
Anthropomorphites calld they stir their stumps
And on him come resolving he shall die
Unless he do his doctrine taught denie
This set him in the stocks. Life's a sweet thing
Rather than let it goe, bells backward ring
I'le bane this truth, and banish Origen
I'l an Anthropomorphite be like them
And teach their Doctrine vile, alas poor man
How dost thou sneake for feare? Barn Cat in pan?
But sin ne'er stops. His rage and pride swells o're
'Gainst Peter and against good Isidore
Two Elders of his Church whom his vile pate
Projecting tempts to Excommunicate
Peter because a Manichean he
Received to fellowship of Church did free
Without his knowledge. But this Charge so stout
Was proovd a lie his head had anvilld out.
And Isidore because he did display
The Greedy Worm of this plump Prelate gay
Reprooving him for building temple Walls
And garnishing the same with what the Calls
Of a Rich Noble Womans Will had made
A Legacy she'd for Poor folks out laid.


But Isidore him frumpt and told him plain
They were the better temples of the twain
And it was better to repare them with't
Than to adorn his Temples with this gift.
His slanderous Tongue did strangly too belie
Dioscorus, Ammony, and Euseby
And Euthemy who did depart from him
Who in his Quine did forg a silver spring
By Usury and to the Moncks repare
In Scethis that more solitary are.
These Monks Anthropomorphics mostly were
To whom this tongue gives notice grieves to reare
Unto their Guess, that they did not imbrace
Their Doctrine, God like man had hands, Eyes, face
And other parts as Scripture shews, and hence
Did a mischievous War 'mongst them Commence.
His sparks set Epiphanius of fame
Against Chrysostom in a firy flame
That as they parted each from each their tongues
Did thus syllabicate such gusts their Lungs
Did Ventilate. Old Epiphanius
Said he do hope thou shall not Bishop die
Said John I hope thou'lt enter not thine ile.
He di'de at sea in's way: John in Exile.


When John Chrysostom banisht were, his Flock
Tooke it so heavily and wore the Lock
He hung upon their hearts that they withhold
Communion and else where do enfold.
The East and Western Churches do Contend
To see this SILVER MOUTH stopt in the end.
At Alexandria the Place appears
In choosing of a bishop, by the Eares
Some are for Timothy, for Cyrill some
Who by the Souldiers to the throne doth come.
Too long it is to amble through or wade
Those dirty sloughs proud Prelates quarrells made
How Nestory at Ephesus deposd
Cyrill and Memnon whom they thus first nosde
Constantinople reecks in fumes and blood
At Alexandria they raise much mud.
How Peters Chair at Rome begins to Crack
By two plump Popes that croud in't bum and back
Welface and Weltongue, Boniface a lurch
And Eulaly, indeed oh Romish Church.


How that Proteria's Deacons Peter Mog
And vile Tim AElurus fell in hells bog
Would not partake with him but AElurus
By Priests eject and hereticks most flush
Was bishopizde and in the night like hob
Went unto severall Monks as sent from God
And Angell them to charge not to partake
With Protery but Tim their bishop make
How Tims Disciples Alexandria in
Came and took Protery i'th'Temple bring
And butcher up drag 'bout the Citys street
Burn then his body and his Ashes sweep
And scatter in the Winds. How Egypts Monks
Do snarle at Peter. How Rome's bishop frumps
Acacius Constantinoples head
Because his hand from Peter was not led,
And did not stick him to depose, thus lurcht
Rome then Constantinople's Church unchurcht
And thus Gods Patience drilld in glory runs
With beams that do beblinde ten thousand suns.