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[Needes must I leave, and yet needes must I love]
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[Needes must I leave, and yet needes must I love]

Needes must I leave, and yet needes must I love,
In vaine my wit doth tell in verse my woe;
Dispaire in me, Disdaine in thee dooth shoe
How by my wit I doe my folly prove.
All this my hart from love can never move;
Love is not in my hart; no, Lady, no;
My hart is love it selfe; till I foregoe
My hart, I never can my love remove.
How can I then leave love? I doe intend
Not to crave grace, but yet to wish it still;
Not to prayse thee, but beauty to commend;
And so by beauty's praise, praise thee I will.
For as my hart is love, love not in mee;
So beauty thou, beauty is not in thee.