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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Exaltabo te. psal. cliiij.

Exaltabo te. psal. cliiij.

I will the loue my gracious Lord and King
Thankand thy Name for euer will I sing
All tyme I will reioyce and sing to the,
And pryse thy name also perpetuallie.
Greit is the Lord, and all laude dois excell.
And his greit micht quha can discryue or tell.
Ane generation, thy warkis dois declair
Unto ane vther, and als thy greit powair.
Thy gloir, thy greitnes, and thy magnificence,
Thy nobill actis digne of rememberance,
I will furth schaw thy meruellis sa greit,
Thy magnitude I will it put in dyte
Memorie als of thy greit gentilnes
We sall ay sing, and of thy richteousnes.
The Lord is meik, and mercyfull is he.
slaw to reuenge, and to forgiue reddie
Courtes and kynde till all men is the Lord,
In all his warkis is misericord,
And all thy warkis do thank the thairfoir,
And all thy Sanctis to thy Name gif gloir
The gloriousnes of thy Kingdome teiche,
And with thair toung thy greit power preiche.
Till all natiounis thy magnitude and micht,
Of thy riche renoun the heuinly lusum licht
Thy royall Realme, is Realme of Realmes all
And thy Impyre indure for euer sall.
The Lord is help to thame that slyde and slūmer
Them that troublit ar bringis out of cummer


All mennis eine O Lord do the abyde.
Thow feidis them in all tyme and tyde,
Thow oppinnis furth thy hand ful graciouslie
And satisfyis all fleshe aboundantlie.
In all his wayis the Lord is Iust and richt,
In all his warkis is santifyit his micht,
Till all call on the Lord, he is full neir,
Sa that in trew beleif be thair prayer.
He grantis thair desyre that dreidis him
And heiris thame and forgeuis thair sin,
All thame that luffis the Lord he sauis thame,
And he confoundis all sort of wickit men
The louing of the Lord my mouth sall sound,
All louing men in to this warld sa round,
Sall loue thy name, perpetuall and moir,
Gif moir may be, regnand into thy gloir.