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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psal. 57.


To the cheef Musitian Altaschith, A Psalm of David, when he fledd from Saul in the Cave. It


mystically expressed the Iewes persecutinge Christ, even vnto his Grave. wee that are his members, & partake in his suffrings, may sing it, to declare our iniuries, & to pray, & praise God, for deliverances. &c.


Lord, grant (oh grant) me thy compassion;
For, I, in thee my trust have placed,
Display thy wings for my Salvation,
Vntill my greefs are over-passed.
To thee I sue (oh God most high)
To thee, that canst all want supplie.


From their despights who seek to rend mee,
Let help, oh Lord, from heav'n be daigned,
And let thy Truth & Love defend me;
For, I with Lions am detained:
With men inflam'd, whose biting words,
Are shafts, & spears, & naked swords.


Let over heav'n God's praise be reared,
And through the world, his glorie showed.
For, they who netts for mee prepared,
(They who my soul to ground had bowed)
Ev'n they, with in those trapps are caught,
Which for my fall, their hāds had wrought.



Oh God! my hart now ready maketh,
My hart is for thy praise preparing;
My Tongue, my Harpe, my Lute awaketh
And, I my selfe, betimes vprearing,
Will speake & sing, in praise of thee,
Where greatest throngs of people be.


For, Lord, thy Mercies forth are stretched,
As farr as are the Sphears extended;
Thy Truth vnto the Clouds hath reached
And, thou thy self art high ascended
Let, still, thy, Fame & praise, oh God!
Through heav'n & earth be spread abrode.