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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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To one that hearing I had some faculty in Poesie, simply requested me to write somewhat on his dear wife lately dead.

Had I so wel but known thy Ligbie, as
Sire Adam once his Eve did know
Then I might say thy wife a good one was:
But I ne'r saw, nor knew her so.


Wu'dst ha' me then extol her beauties fire?
Most say she lookt, and painted wel!
Should I her unknown secret parts admire,
Or hidden qualities forthtel?
Troth I ne'r heard one good she had, for what,
Thou falsely thoughtst one, loving thee;
Now's out of fashion, and esteem'd a fault.
Then in her praise, I'l silent be;
Since Silence best suits me as each of them:
For Womens pride affecteth such
Grosse flatt'ry, that who undertakes the theam;
Speaks both too little, and too much.