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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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A godly warnynge to put all men in remembrance of theyr myserable estate, and that they are subiecte to death and corruption.


Syng this as. If truthe maye take no trustye holde, &c.

Remember well ye men mortall,
From whence ye came, & go ye shall,
Of earth god made thy shape & forme
And vnto earth thou shalt returne.
Remember well, O man I say,
Thou art wormes meate and very clay:
Thou art none other thys is iust,
But earth and ashes dung and dust.
Remember well though thou be young,
Thou art nought but a sacke of doung:
Deferre no tyme tyll thou be old,
For of long lyfe thou hast no hold.
Remember well though now thou seme
As beautyfull as kyng or quene,
That when thou shalt departe and dye,
Thou shalt rot, stynke, and putrefye.
Remember well thou dounghyll, dyght
With garments gay to please mens syght.


Remember earth thy first estate,
Thy lyons harte it wyll abate.
Remember well that thou shalt come
At the last day vnto thy dome:
Wher if thou doe thy selfe exalt,
In extreme payne remayne thou shalt,
Remember well I saye aloude,
Thou earth and ashes be not proude,
Suche coste on earth why doste bestowe?
Leue of thy pryde be meke and lowe.
Remember and in fyne marke this,
Who so of hym selfe humble is,
The lorde wyll hym exalte on hye,
In heauen aboue the sterry skye.