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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh, therfore hath the Man, to wayt duly for


All Mishapp

Esa. 13.[illeg.] 34.a. 47.b.

and Calamitee, in his Gayne, he hath imbraste.

Oh! who shall cause the Man, Understanding, for to taste/
That mought release him,

Esa. 1.a.

from his greuous Smart?

If eueryone woulde enter, into his owne Heart/
And dealt in sucht-sort,

Eccl. 31. b Tob. 4 b. Math. 7 b. Luk 6. d.

as he woulde be dealt withall:

If Loue and Peace were sought, both of Great and Small:
And woulde eueryone becom,

Math. 20. Mar. 10.c. Luk. 22.c.

the Least, and not the Cheefe:

Then shoulde the Man right-soone, be cured of his Greefe.
His Loue shoulde also bee, like a Fyer that is glowing:
And God

Ioel. 2.c. Act. 2.b.

shoulde then likewyse ; with his Grace, ouerflowing;

Be working in the Man/as Hee was wont to doo.

O God Father/vouch safe to strenghten vs thertoo:
For, to that ende wil we go proffer ourselues vnto the Man/
To see if his Heart therto, stirr-vpp or mooue we can/
With the holy Scripture, which thou doest witnes playne:
That happly he ; by thar meanes; mought vet once agayne
Suck the right

Ioh. 17.a. Ephe. 4.b.

Knowledg, of the godly Uerety.