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'Twas a lonely bog,
With a boy and frog
On the marsh's brink.
“I'll kill him!” cried the boy. In fact,
He leaned to do the dreadful act,—
When lo! a splash!
And in a flash
Did froggie think:
“What a mishap!
That little chap
Has tumbled in—
Up to his chin!
It's very true,
He meant to do
Some harm to me,
But then, you see,
To mock him now would not be kind,
Lest he should drown.
I'll just go down
And tickle his ears
To calm his fears
And let him know that I didn't mind.”
Soon, a dripping, sobbing, muddy boy
Ran home across that lonesome bog;
While, placidly smiling on the shore,
Squatted that thoroughly well-meaning frog.